Chapter 38: Visiting

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Chapter 38: Visiting

"Where's that little niece of mine?" Hugging Beth, Merle has a huge smile on his face and Carol hugs Daryl. When they switch who they hug, Beth picks up Kensi from her collapsible pen and hands her to Merle. "There she is! Oh she is so beautiful, just like her mom."

"Oh Beth, she is precious. How are you feeling by the way. We heard the delivery was unusual.

"Oh I'm fine. A little sore still, but perfect cause well, look at her. She's adorable. Cam I get you guy anything?"

"Oh I'm fine Darlin'." Merle says as he holds Kensi close to him and sits on the recliner. "She cry a lot?"

"No...shes actually really quiet. The only noise she ever makes are happy ones." Daryl says as he grabs a water and gives one to Beth.

"Well that's a plus....Sophia was a crier. Funny cause she tuned out really shy." Carol sadly recalls and Beth just hugs her. "I'm okay....I know she's with all of us."

"Dural, how's the shop going?"

"Good. New bikes are in. Needa go check 'em out." Sitting next to Beth, his hand rubs her thigh and she just lays into him.

"How are you two?" Carol raises an eyebrow and smiles at them.


"Yeah, we're great." Beth smiles and Daryl kisses her temple.

"I see....alright Merle, hand that little bundle of cuteness over here." Merle sighs.

"Okay sweet pea, yer aunt Carol wants ya." He leaves a small kiss on the baby's head and hands her over to Carol who smiles wide.

"Oh sweetie! You are so tiny and beautiful, yes you are."

Smiling, Beth glad this is happening. She's enjoying seeing Carol and Merle feeling better and having fun with Kensi. After lunch the guys go to the shop and Beth and Carol take Kensi for a stroll outside. As they walk, Carol inquires more and more information on Beth and Daryl.

"So when did it all start? Cause when I first met you three years ago, it seemed this way but not as noticeable."

"Really? I thought it was only after I asked him to get me pregnant."

"Honey, that man had eyes on you for a while. I just assumed you both were together when you came to see us back in December."

"No. I don't know. I really don't know what we are now. I mean we never really talked about it."

"Honey, from what I saw upstairs, you have that man around yer finger."

"I don't know about that."

"Who gets up to take care of Kensi in the middle of the night?"

"What? ...Well Daryl does, only because I work longer hours than him and stuff...which is inaccurate by his math, he works more than me."

"See, he does those things for you, not cause he wants too probably, but because he wants to show you he's worth yer time and company. That's like Merle records all my shows on the big tv and he watches his on the tiny kitchen tv so I can be comfortable. I don't ask him to do it, he just does it."

"Well...what should I do for Daryl if he does all this stuff for me?" Thinking about it, she should do something for him since he's so wonderful to her.

"Well, you can start by pleasuring him a lot more. Yer probably hurting right now from the birth, but he's still fully functional. So a few here or there for him will make him know yer appreciating all he's doing. Or if you don't like that you can give him dirty photos of yerself in subduction poses."

"Oh my....I don't know"

"Trust me. You have to keep them entertained even if we are in pain of any kind."

"Okay." They finish their walk and Beth keeps thinking about Carols advice.

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