Chapter 40: End

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Chapter 40: End

Racing to the hospital, Beth pushes passed people to get to the nurses station. Meeting a woman with dark hair and pale skin, Beth tries to catch her breath, but can't find words.

"Can I help you?"

"The motocycle accident that happened on 56th street. Were they brought to this hospital?"

"Let me was."

"Do you know if it was the guy on the motorcycle?"

"I can't release that information."


"We're running tests on the person right now to identify if, so we can call the family."

"Is it a he?"

"I can't release that information."

"Are they alive?"

"I can't release that information, Mame."

"What the fuck are you good for then! I need to know if that person my husband! Now yer gonna call down to yer little exam room person and find out if that's my husband in there or if I'm waisting my breath on incompitant people like you!" It slips from her mouth and the nurse hits a button. Soon, she is escorted from the hospital and left there with a security guard standing there watching her intently. "FUCK!"

Getting up she walks a little bit by the ER loading dock and notices an open ambulance. Getting inside, she goes to the cb radio and calls in.

"Ambo 320 to base."


"I need information on the motorcycle accident over on 56."

"320, we already sent the one to Grady and the other to Carson Morgue over on 18th." Getting out of the truck, Beth high tails it to the cornor and hails a cab. Getting in, she tells the cabbie to go to the Carson Morgue and sits back against the seat. What is she going to find there? She feels like shit and her whole body aches. If it's him, how can she live? How can she raise Kensi without him? She wishes she would've spent more time in love with him and being together than arguing and being mean to each other. She wishes she would've got the chance to see him watch Kensi grow up. How could this be life right now? How could she have this happen to her?

As the cab drives farther down town to Carson, Beth just reminds herself of his touch. That soft, meaningful touch that always let her know she wasn't alone and that she was safe in his arms. THe touch of security and bliss. And his eyes- blue like crashing waves that calms down to a Blue Jay's wings. Her heart pounds hard in her chest as she starts to cry. His lips on her. That smile he gave her when they woke up next to each other. How could that be gone? How could that be taken away from her just like that. Kensi won't ever remember him. She won't grow up with a father who would do anything for her. She's never going to have that feeling of love. That poor child will never hear her father's voice, will never feel his gentle touch, or look into his deep calming eyes. She'll never remember any of that. She won't be able to remember her dad as a wonderful man and she won't ever be able to recall what he was to her.

Crying harder and harder in the back seat, Beth just feels her whole chest get heavy and her heart throb at the pain of him not being with her in this moment. Why him? Why do these things happen to her? Daryl meant everything to her, besides Kensi of course. Now, she's alone, to raise a fatherless child and to live the rest of her days not knowing who he was, expcept from what Beth will tell her.

Pulling to the side of the curb, Beth pays the cab and he leaves. Standing outside the Carson Morgue and Funeral home, Beth starts to hyperventilate, but here's his voice in her eyes.

Calm yourself, Spaz. You're going to be just fine.

Taking a deep breath, Beth goes into the office and rings the bell. An older man comes from the back and looks at his pocket watch.

"A bit late. I'm getting ready to close. I've had a busy day." He kindly, but irritatedly says and Beth frowns.

"I'm really sorry to bother you. It's just there was a motorcycle accident and I was told one of the drivers came here. I'd like to know if it was my husband or not. The hospital wouldn't tell me anything and I can't possibley leave here tonight not knowing if he's alive or not." A few tears escape her and the man looks saddened.

"I'm really sorry Miss. I'm really not allowed to give out that information." He goes to leave and Beth can't move at all.

"How will I explain this to our young daughter? It's her birthday and she was expecting her father to be home..."

Sighing the old man opens up the gate and allows Beth behind the counter. They walk down darkened steps to a dimly lit room where a row of body freezers are and two corpse operating tables. Beth's trying to prepare as the old man goes to one freezer with the date on it.

"Now, I have to warn you, this isn't a pretty sight. But, if you can identify him, then that helps me do my job. You ready?" He looks at Beth and she saddly nods. When he opens the freezer, she gasps and closes her eyes, turning away from the still bloodied body.

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