Chapter 16: Mon'Aime

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Chapter 16: Mon'Amie

As they get off of their plane and walk through the terminal to their luggage, Beth is so excited that they are in Paris. When they go to the rent a car, Beth rents them a small car that looks like a blueberry. Setting their luggage in the back, Daryl climbs into the driver's seat and finds Beth looking at the tour guide map.

"Our hotel is right across the mall from the Eiffel Tower! Isn't that exciting?"

", Are we going to visit the Moulin Rouge? I could go for some CanCan dancers."

"Don't worry, we'll see everything." As they drive away from the airport, Beth takes several pictures on her camera. She loves it here, though she's just arrived. She hasn't mentioned Julie, the song, to Daryl since he mentioned it in her apartment a few weeks ago. How did he hear it? That's her question.

"I think this is our stop." He says as he parallel parks the car and they get out. "Beautiful...true, I could be surfing right now, but this is pretty awesome."

"See...I told you it would be." She grabs her luggage, but soon a bellhop rushes to her and another to Daryl.

"Parléy vous français?" One bellhop asks Beth.

"Oui, un peu." She makes a tiny symbol with her fingers like she's pinching a grape.

"Quel est-ce que - tu habite?"

"J'ai a America." She smiles and Daryl is speechless by her French skill.

"Ahh, americain...oo la la. Vous êtes si jolie."

"What did he say?" Daryl asks.

"I zed she eez zo pretty." The young blonde bellhop says as he kisses Beth's hand.

"You speak English?"

"Oui! Tres bien á englais. Monsuier. Mademoiselle, Je m'appelle Guy. Comment t'appelle - tu?"

"Je m'appelle Beth. Il s'appalle Daryl."

"Ah, Daryl. Tu aime le foot?"

"What?" He looks at Beth and she giggles.

"He asked if you like soccer."


"Il no aime le foot? Vraiment! Oh mon Dieu."

"Haha, Il aime jouer aux jeux le vidéo."

"Oh...un jouer! Oui, oui, Moi aussi!"

"Can we not with the French right now?" Daryl grumpily says as he starts into the hotel. Beth smiles and follows. After checking in, Guy (pronounced Gee) shows them to the elevator where they get in.

"Beth, êtes-vous marié à Daryl?" Beth blushes and giggles and Daryl glowers a bit.

"Haha non, non. Daryl est juste mon ami." She shyly says and he gives her a curious look.

"Je vois pourquoi... Il si grincheux." Beth and Guy laugh and Daryl just simmers in the corner.

"What did he say?"

"He asked if we were married and I said no we're just friends. then he said he can see why...yer so grumpy. Haha."

"Tell him to fuck off." Daryl growls as the elevator door opens. When they get out, Guy leads them to their room and opens the door with the key card and they enter.

"Merci beaucoup."

"De rien. Salut." Guy exits and Beth swoons at the door, until Daryl clears his throat.

"Guess I'm sleeping on le foor." He sarcastically says.

"Oh mon Cherie, êtes-vous contrarié que vous ne comprenez pas le français?" She asks him as if he would understand. "Pleure Pas, mon Cherie."

"Don't pat my shoulder and speak in tongues." He irritatedly says as he takes their bags to the bedroom.

"Daryl...I'm only kidding around. Un casse-peid-tu a." Going up to him, she looks into his blue eyes that seem scorned and she just smiles. "You need to relax, grumpy... it's all just in fun."

"Yeah well Frenchie didn't seem to be doing it all in fun."

"He was just being nice Daryl...its part of his job." She takes her bag and starts putting things in the closet.

Daryl ignores the sentence and just begins to unpack his things as well. He's too jealous which is bad, especially if they get in a fight, he has no where to go to leave her be.

"So I was thinking we can have dinner in a few hours in the restaurant upstairs. But first we can visit the Moulin Rouge, and then the Eiffel Tower and tomorrow we can do the Louvre, and then just site see."


They head to Moulin and end up having lunch there while watching the Cabaret dancers and laughing at eat other trying to join in on the dancing. Leaving the Moulin Rouge, they head to Notre Dame and explore the entire place until Beth is fully satisfied and has enough pictures. Finally heading to theEiffel Tower, Daryl insists they take the elevator to the top.

"I don't's really high up, Daryl." She nervously says and Daryl just tugs her along.

"Come said you wanted to experience everything."

Getting in the elevator, Beth clutches onto Daryl's arm as the machine hoists them rather quickly to the top. She hides her face in his arm and he just smiles. He cares about her so much and he can't think of a better place to be than right here with her. Reaching the top, Daryl leads Beth out to the balcony that is below the blinking red light. he gets her to the edge and places her hands on the railing.

"Open." He says.

"Don't let go." She says terrified of heights. Holding onto her waist from behind, his body is flush to hers as he looks at the whole city.

"I'm not letting go. I got don't wanna miss this." Bravely, Beth opens her eyes and she nearly dies.

"Oh my god! We're so high up...o my..."

"Don't look down, just look out." Daryl whispers in her ear. She feels safe against him and he has someone take a picture of them. "It's so beautiful."

"It really is." The sun is setting in the sky and its colors drape around them as they descend in the elevator.

Getting back to their hotel room, Beth changes first and then rushes upstairs to reserve a table for them since doesn't know French at all. Sitting at the table in a black dress with her hair curled, she waits and soon she spots him coming to her in a nice dressy outfit. Black dress shirt tucked in with a red tie and black pants, Daryl looks sharp as he sits across from Beth.

"You clean up pretty good Dixon." Beth says sweetly.

"You don't look too bad yerself..."They laugh and then lock eyes. He seems less of an asshole here. In fact Beth would say he looks rather nervous.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... Just hope they have good food." Lying again, Daryl wants to just punch himself in the face.

"Oh...well, I'm sure it's all good."

"Yeah..." He straightens his tie and Beth can see he's really nervous about something.

"Daryl? Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm's just...I hate wearing these things...They're like a noose or a dog collar."

"Oh, well you look nice either way."

Their dinner is full of drinking and terrible vacation stories. After they pay and get to their room, Daryl starts taking off his tie, but his vision is a tad blurry and it only makes it worse.

"Come here..." Beth says as she begins to walk over. Getting close to him in her heels, she unties his tie and tosses it to the couch. "There...good as new."

His eyes linger on her as her hands stay near his neck.

"I could choke you out right now...if I really wanted too." She kids and his hands come up on hers. She freezes almost and she can tell he's drunk, or maybe not...its really hard to tell with Daryl because every Daryl is the same amount of asshole. His hands play across her arms and to her neck and soon down her back, but they don't stop there. "Oh!"

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