Chapter 102: I Will Always Love You

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Daryl and Madame L'Vie sat in the waiting room for over two and a half hours. They haven't heard anything yet and both seem to be losong hope fast. Maybe L'Vie's prediction was wrong- maybe God was finally ending Beth's pain and suffering. Getting up, Daryl excuses himself and goes to the hospital sancutary. He's only seen this process once in his life, but he follows it precisely. Doing a quick kneel and bow of his head as he approaches the alter, he does the sign of the cross before grabbing a match and lighting a candle for Beth. Clasping his hands he lowers his gaze and begins to pray.

"God, I know you and I have a bit of a growing list going- I should really go to church, but I don't want you to think it's only because I keep losing people I care about." He knows he sounds stupid, but he keeps going. "I love Beth with all my heart and will do anything for her. She's always been here for me and always has been the light of my life. She's been through so much griwf and pain....I...I don't want her to be in pain any more. I don't want her to suffer."

Tears roll down his face as he chokes on his words. This is the hardest thing he's ever had to do.

"If she's suffering right now...please...please let her know it's okay to let go. I know she's probably fighting like hell and scared that she's hurting me and our babies, but her suffering and pain is worse. She needs to know that if she's tired and ready to be with you...that it's okay to go. I will always love her. I will always cherish her, for she has taught me the greatest thing in the world- how to love and be loved. I beg you to make her pain go away. She deserves to be happy and....and if that's not here on Earth with us- then, then I will accept that. Please God, don't let Beth think I don't love her because I'm telling you to let her go. This is the hardest thing for me- I've never loved anyone as much as I love Beth. Please...please just let her know I will always love her."

Making the sign of the cross, Daryl sits back on his heels and cries out in pain. If he loses her tonight- he loses the only person who ever made him feel like he mattered in this world.

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