Chapter 45: Bumble Bee vs. Halloween Parties

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Chapter 45: Bumble Bee vs. Halloween Parties

"You sure yer not coming to the party?" Michone asks as Beth looks over a few bills.

"I'm sure...sides, Daryl's being grumpy and everything. It's best if I watch Kensi tonight." Picking up the baby, who's dressed like a baby black cat, Beth sighs. The past few days
her and Daryl haven't been on good terms. At first when she thought she was pregnant, he was all gung-ho about things, but lately he's been creating a ditch between them and she isn't about to be filling it in.

"Well, maybe Maggie could watch's not like she's even awake most of the day to realize who's holding her and who's not. And if Daryl still has a stick up his ass, then screw him. You deserve to have fun while you still can." Standing Michone goes to the door and before leaving looks back at Beth. "If you change yer mind it's at The Dog House."

Irritating and frustrating- that is how Beth is describing Daryl. Michone is right. Beth should be able to party while she still can and it's not like Daryl is the boss of Beth anyway.

Going to her closet, Beth pulls out her black and yellow stripped tutu that how with her striped shirt, her wings and tights. Finding the head band with the pompom antennas, Beth lays her costume out and calls Maggie.



"Beth, are you okay?"

"Yeah, um, could you take Kensi tonight? I'm going to this party and I need someone to watch her." She bites the inside of her cheek and waits for a response.

"What about Daryl?"

"He's moody and has been staying at his apartment..." That's all she can get out before Maggie has a break down.

"Why? What happened? Did you two get in a fight?"

"We're not even dating..."


"Maggie, just calm down. We haven't been dating, we're still just friends. Listen, he's not reliable for a whole night of watching Kensi and I can't ask Dad to watch her...could you please? I'll take the kids next time you and Glenn wanna have a date night...for free." Maggie contemplates her options and then agrees to watch Kensi. After a few minutes of waiting Maggie shows up at Beth's apartment and Beth has Kensi all ready to go.

"You sure you and Daryl aren't dating?"

"I'm sure...he's never talked to me about it and he doesn't really treat me like a girlfriend. It's like we've always been."

"And yer sure he's not gonna be mad when Yer not home and neither is Kensi?"

"Listen, yeah he's her father, but at this point in time, he doesn't really have a say over anything. It'll be fine. I'm leaving him a note so if he does come over he knows she's note kidnapped and is in good hands." Beth jots down a tiny note and puts it on the table. Hugging Maggie, Beth gives Kensi a goodnight kiss and she leaves in her costume.

After a long day of working with motorcycles, the last thing Daryl wants to do is think about another baby, but that's all his mind has been on. The other day Beth and him got in a really big fight over nothing and he's been avoiding her cause he knows he was wrong in the first place. Getting out of his truck, he heads upstairs with a bag of take out, chocolates and flowers. he figures if he ha to face Beth on halloween, he might as well make up or being an ass.

First he goes to his apartment and takes Ozzie for a walk. the longer he can stall, the more time he has to think about how to fix this mess. After getting back with Ozzie, Daryl stalls longer by taking a shower and then getting dressed in new jeans and a blue t-shirt. With everything in place and looking at the clock, 8:34, Daryl decides it's time to apologize for his rudeness. Going across the hall with his apology items, he knocks on the door, but no one answers.

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