Chapter 98: Christmas

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It took Daryl about a week and a half before he was released and able to go home. Of course the second he got through his father-in-law's door Tiny bombarded him with kisses and mighty yips- if you can call a deep dog voice a top.

But either way he was home. The first few days he was beyond site. His stomach felt as if it was pumped full of air and them blew up. His arms were useless in their casts and all he felt like doing was sleeping all day and might. Beth couldn't be mad at him though, he requires sleep to heal, she just wishes she could speak with him about Christmas which was going to be in two days.

Sure the tree was already trimmed, presents bought, but what she wanted to speak with him about was their pregnancy announcement. She's been beyond eager about telling everyone, nervous too, but mostly eager.

So as Christmas morning rolls in, Beth rolls from her back to her side to face Daryl. His hair tossled in his face, beard growing over his cheeks- he definitely looks warn. Leaning her face forward, She kisses his nose and pulls back when he stirs. Eyes still closed, he reaches forward and strokes his exposed fingers over her bump and smiles.

"Merry Christmas..." She quietly says for Kensi is asleep in a baby bed on the other side of the room.

"Shit... That's today..." He grumbles and Beth feels like she's been slapped. She knows he's been sleeping alot but you tho k he'd at least be awake long enough to know the days of the week.


"What's wrong?" His voice is dull and uncaring almost. Beth frowns and rolls back over on her back.

Staring at the ceiling, she knows her hormones are getting the best of her. She knows she shouldn't be so sensitive when he didn't even mean to hurt her feelings.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I know I'm upsetting you." Looking at him, his eyes are open and he is now on his side. Wrapping an arm around her, he kisses her neck and jawline hoping to win her back. "Please forgive me?"

"I'm sorry. It's these damn hormones." A few years leave her eyes and he just wipes them away.

"Hey...hey, it's okay. I know, honey. I know." Kissing her repeatedly, soon she stops crying and a small smile returns to her face. "That's my gorgeous wife."

"Mommy. Daddy." Her soft voice cops and both Beth and Daryl look over at their three year old sitting up in bed looking at them with a yawn.

"Hey Sweet Pea. How's my little monster?" Daryl cheerfully says as he sits up in bed.


"Honey, do you know what today is?" Beth asks as she sits up with help from Daryl.


"It's Christmas." Beth happily says and Kenai jumps up and down on her bed. "Hey, no jumping on the bed silly!"

"Sorreee Mommy!" Getting off the bed, Kensi races over to them and Daryl scoops her up.

"What'd you ask for from Santa?" Daryl kisses her head and tickles her a bit before letting her up.

"A baby!" Daryl looks at her and them Beth, who smiles and takes a deep breath.

"Honey, do you want your present?" Beth gently asks.

"Yeah!" Pulling out the sauna-gram picture from her desk drawer, Beth hands it to Kensi, who seems confused."What this?"

"That's your baby brother..." At first the child doesn't her it, them she figures it out. "Baby in Mommy?"

Beth nods and Kenai leaps at her, but Daryl catches her mid-jump.

"Woah darlin'. We gotta be careful with Mommy and the baby." Daryl informs her and she smiles and nods understanding. Kensi gently goes to Beth and kisses her belly and them pecks her lips.

"I ove you Mommy! I ove mine baby brudder!"

A knock comes on the bedroom door and Hershel slowly opens it up. Coming in, Herschel is attacked by Kensi until Tiny comes in and licks her to the floor.

"Merry Christmas!" Herschel booms.

"Mommy having baby brudder!!" Kensi spills the beans and Beth is not remotely surprised.

"Congratulations, baby girl!" He picks Kensi up and gives her a kiss before setting her down, kissing Beth and clasping Daryl on the shoulder. "Now let's go eat, Carol is making making breakfast."

They get up out of bed and await the rest of the holiday with their family.

The Baby ArrangementNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ