Chapter 101: Madame L'Vie

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Getting to the hospital, Daryl helps the old woman from the truck and safely gets her into thw building. Going to the front desk, Daryl explains that he came in with the two ambulances and would like to be informed what is going on as soon as possible.

Going back to the old woman, who is sitting down in the waiting room, Daryl sits down next to her and she gives him a small hopeful smile.

"Thank you...for delivering my babies and opening your doors to us." The woman bows her head and Daryl realizes that she hasn't said a single word this whole time. "Are you a mute?"

"Non, Je suis Français."

Perfect. I need Beth to translate...

"Beth, she spoke French...I never learned."


She seems sorry or upset. Hmmm, how can understand her? Oh!

"Do you mind if we use Google translate so I understand?"

"Oui, Monsieur." Grabbing his phone he hands it to her and she looks at him ready for his questions. "I don't know how accurate this is, but we shall try it."

"Haha, it seems to be working just fine. How long have you lived here?" The old woman types into the translater and it answers.

"Since 1943. I came over when I was 28 years old."

"So that means yer 100? Congratulations Madame..."


Life.... Her last name is Life. Well that's hopeful.

"Madame L'Vie, what's your secret- if you don't mind me asking." The old woman looks in her lap for a bit and then back up to Daryl.

"My story- is a curse. This life is not one I wanted." She erases the current message and begins to tell Daryl her story.

When I was a young girl living in Paris, I was not like other girls. I wore pants and had short hair- an abomination to my family. I fancied a boy's life- to be a man. Granted- I was in love with an older boy, Raoul L'Jacques. He was my everything. But he you say gay.

Because he fancied a boy- I did all I could to become one. I'd walk around with a polish sausage wrapped in cloth in my underwear, I would dirty my face to look as though I had facial stubble. Raoul noticed me, but we never talked. One day, I heard of a Gypsy who could change a girl into a man with an easy surgery. Now mind you, back then we didn't have fancy medicine go numb the pain- only alcohol.

So, bravely I drank a lot of aabsinth, that vial green drink put me in such a haze- but I felt the terror that was happening between my legs. I don't remember what happened- but I remember waking up with cock between my legs, balls, and the pain deep to the bone.

The Gypsy did a good job, but failed to mention to me that he removed my ovaries and all the things that made me a woman. Barely understanding, I soon realized he removed my breasts to make the testicals.

At the age of 25, I was dating prestigious men, in hopes to catch the eyes of Raoul, who was the General's right hand man. I was so obsessed that I joined the military just to get closer to him. How was I to know we would go to war.

With everything happening, my body began to collapse in on itself. I couldn't escape my fate. While fighting to keep Paris for France, I witnessed Raoul dying. My dream of ever being with him was shattered. I had no reason to fight any more. If that beautiful man was dead- then I surely wouldn't be spared either. As much of a coward I was, I snuck out of Paris and found a fishing boat. Stowing away in the stank ridden storage hold, I stayed hidden for weeks as we made our way into the Atlantic ocean. I ate nothing but dead fish and drank graug and rum. My life was a living Hell. It wasn't until we docked in Hudson Bay that I made my way off the boat one night.

I was a freak of nature- a monster- alone in the universe. In a world I knew nothing about. I made my way down here with a circus. The other freaks saw me as one of their own, until they found out I wasn't truly one of them. They cast me out and I was on the streets begging. A man who owned a farm took me in for a while. His name was Isaac and he was wonderful. At first I hid my secret- in fear he'd string me up, but one night, he found out my secret and he didn't care. He loved me and we were happy. Of course I was not a registered immigrant so I had to hide from this country. I never had time to learn English to speak it, but I learned how to understand it.

I spent my whole life hiding with Isaac. We couldn't have children so we had dogs and other animals. Our favorite was my Scarlet McCaw Evangeline. She is my pride and joy. Isaac and I raised her from an egg. He died at 74 from a carwreck. I watched all our animals die, even Evangeline. This life isn't a blessing. It's a terribke reminder that I will remain while everything I love dies. Because my man parts will last forever and be a reminder of my true form- I regret losing my womanhood.

Looking at L'Vie, Daryl reaches over and places his hand on hers. He smiles before leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"You are beautiful. I'm glad you made it to this point in time." He's scared- what will happen to Beth?

"Yer wife- she will be okay. Yer babies- they will grow up strong. I seen the pain of yers- it's not her time." L'Vie kisses Daryl's cheek and then sits back , staring at the snow falling outside.

I hope yer right L'Vie. I hope yer right.

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