Chapter 74: Passing Months

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Chapter 74: Passing Months

A few months have passed since the whole Teddy Feud happened. He's gotten bigger and more cute than he originally was. With the family doing well and everyone happy, Beth and Daryl relax into the stages of getting married. Between deciding on a cake, venue, and over all just food and guests- Daryl and Beth are sailing closer and closer Ito having their winter wedding happen. With the date set as December 15th, and it only two weeks away, they're hoping their Sunday wedding goes smoothly.

"Mommy, my dress no fit." Kensi cries as Beth replaces her second dress to get back into the first.

"Sweetie, it does fit...if you'd put yer head trough the right hole." Fixing the child's light purple dress, Beth sighs and then tugs on the next skim mermaid dress with heart shaped bodes. "How's this one look Sweet Pea?"


"Yeah? Really pretty, or not as pretty as the last one?"

"Really pitty."

"Should we go show the others?"

"Yeah!" Walking out of the dressing room, Maggie, Paticia, Carol, Michone, and Rosita all smile widely as they find Beth ad Kensi beaming.

"Oh you are gorgeous." Carol comments and the others add their two sense in on it.

"Simply remarkable." Says Maggie while Rosita nods.

"How do you like it?" The store woman asks and Beth stares at herself in the full view mirror.

"I really think it's pretty. I like the flow at the bottom and the whole lacy...but I'd like some color."

"Well let me grab a few things." The woman leaves and soon comes back with three different colored elegant belts- light blue, a light green, and lilac. "Here try these on and see which one you like."

Trying on all three, Beth settle for the light green and everyone cheers. So after alterations and such, try purchase the dress and head home. When they get there, Merle, Rick, Abraham, Glenn, Otis, and Hershal are all watching the Steelers- Saints game with Teddy sitting on Daryl's lap. Cheering like mad men, the Steelers win by 32- 16 touchdown. The woman are jut standing in amusement as Beth puts the dress upstairs in her closet.

Coming back down stairs, the men are now aware the women are in their presence and are less active.

"They won." Daryl says bouncing Teddy, who's in a small Polamalu jersey, and sipping a beer.

"I seen that. How's my big boy!" Beth grabs Teddy and kisses his cheeks as Daryl picks up Kensi.

"There's my Sweet Pea!"

"So how was dresses?" Hershel asks as he kisses Beth's forehead.

"Great, finally got one and now we can all relax and enjoy." Beth sighs happily, leaning into Daryl. After dinner and everyone on their way home, Beth and Daryl but the babes to bed are preparing for themselves to go to sleep. Crawling under the covers next to Daryl, Beth smiles widely and kisses his chest. "We'll be married soon."

"Yep, 10 more days baby. 10 more days."

"Oh don't remind me."

"You said that like it was a bad thing." He smirks and she tucks her lip in her mouth for a second.

"I meant it as angst." She confirms and he glowers at her.

"Okay, spaz. Whatever you say. In 10 days yer mine and I'm not going easy on you."

"Trust me, you've never gone easy on me. Mr. Let me organize yer private drawers and speak about personal things in front of a child."

"One time I find yer vibrator in your sock drawer and I never hear the end of it."

"And you never will." She kisses him good night and they snuggle close until both are fully immersed in their dreams.

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