Chapter 53: Bad News Carl

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Chapter 53: Bad News Carl

Pulling up into the driveway, Daryl meets Rick outside before Carl can get to him and try to deny things or win his father's pity. As Daryl walks across the lawn to Rick, he hands him a sleeping Judy and looks at Rick's disheveled face.

"How was everything?" Rick curiously asks.

"Listen, I just wanted you to know that Carl did a major bad thing today."

"And what's that?"

"He sexually tried to attack Beth."


"Yeah, had her pinned against the counter, hard up and grabbing her. He stopped when I came downstairs and found them. I thought you should know."

"Huh, as if my day wasn't eventful enough..." Rick grumbles and Daryl gives him a sideways look.

"What happened with Michone?"

"She's pregnant."


"It's not mine Daryl....We haven't in a long time. She doesn't rememeber it happening either." Rick sits against the the tree and Daryl does too. He's confused much like Rick. "Now with Carl...huh, I feel I have a good clue as to what happened."

"You think Carl raped Chone?"

"Maybe...probably drugged her that weekend I was in Philly doing courses. I don't want to believe my son did this. I...I don't believe it. He's 17, can't he just be interested in kids at school or our neighbor? Why is he trying to have sex with our women?" Looking back at the truck with Michone talking to a now awake Judy, Daryl feels terrible for them.

"Are you going to tell her about Carl?"

"Kinda have too. She'll probably leave me."

"What about Carl...why don't you send him to that military camp you wanted to send him to a year ago?"

"It doesn't take away the fact that my girlfriend is pregnant with my son's baby."

"I don't know what you should do...I mean their are terrible choices out there, but I know Chone couldn't go through with that."

"I just don't know any more man. I think with the whole Shane and Lori thing with Judy, I feel he thinks he can do whatever he wants and not have Beth okay?"

"Yeah, just shaken up a bit. You want me to send Carl out?"

"Yeah, you better. Thanks brother."

"No problem...let me know what you two decide."

Getting up and hugging each other, Daryl goes back inside and sends Carl out to Rick. After he watches them leave, he goes to find Beth, who's laying in her bed with Kensi.

"Daddy!" The little girl haphazardly jumps on the bed and then gets scooped up by Daryl. He spins her around and gives her several kisses on her cheeks before gently rocket launches her at Beth. "Heehee!"

"What'd Rick say?" Beth asks as he sits down next to her. He gives her a frown and looks down at Kensi, who's hanging on Beth's shoulders. "Honey, please don't hang on my like that."


"It's okay sweet pea. So?"

"He's shocked...but it leads to the truth of Michone." Beth curiously looks at him and he just puts his hand on Beth's stomach, hoping she understands.


"Yes, and the thing is, he and her haven' a while."

" So they think it's Carl's?"

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