Chapter 64: Difficult

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Chapter 64: Difficult

Following Daryl outside to the backyard, Beth painfully walks across the yard to where Daryl is leaning agains the tree.

"Go back inside and lay down." He snaps at her without turning in her general direction.

"I miss spoke inside...Daryl my heads just all messed up and shit. Between these hormones and..."

"Don't give me that hormone bullshit! You did this before Beth. How could you forget with that scar on her wrist?" Getting in her face, the moonlight enhances his blood red face. Beth shutters a bit and cowers, but soon anger overtakes her too.

"Fuck you, Mr. Perfect! You got yer shit together so well? Well I don't, so fuck you! You ain't any better. Let's just fuck anything with a VAGINA!"

"That ha nothing to do with yer psychosis!"

"Oh no, it wouldnt, now would it? How bout the fact you had to fuck anyone you could because God forbid you ever get too close!"

"You think you know all about my shit?"

"I do!"

"You don't know nothing!" Getting right up in her face, he's nose to nose to her and she feels something. "You always walk around like you know everything! Yer so fucking privileged."

"Daryl..." She pleads softly.

"No! You never can take what you serve! Miss I'm too perfect!"

"Daryl stop..." She's frightful now, but he keeps going, even as she kneels on the grass.

"Sometimes you frustrate me so much cause you just never listen to anyone or think about anyone but yerself...."

"DARYL!!!" She screams and he stops.

"What!" He finally looks down at her and crimson covers her white hand.

"I'm bleeding..." Tearfully, she removes her other hand from her lap and now he sees two bloody hands and not just one.



Laying in his bed, Hershel is awakened by his phone ringing like crazy. As he shuffles downstairs to pick it up, it catches the answering machine. he listens. Who could be calling at midnight?

"'s Daryl...uhm, I need you. Beth needs you to take Kensi. We're at the uh, it isn't good." Hearing the pain and worried-ness in his voice, Hershel grabs his shoes and rushes to the car.

Driving to the hospital, Hershel is worried and on edge. Pulling into the hospital, he finds Daryl with his head in his hands and Kensi sleeping beside him. Rushing up to him, the anguish on his face tells Hershel exactly what's up. Hershel was the only one besides the three who knew about the baby. He found out only a week earlier and was liking the idea of having a grandson from Beth.

"I'm sorry, Hershel..."

"Is she okay?"

"Doctor said she is...though she ain't talking to me and I can't blame her one ounce." Sitting beside the young man and holding Kensi in his arms, Hershel lays his free hand on Daryl's shoulder.

"You wanna talk to a guy about it...Ive made terrible mistakes too. "

"We were just arguing and I... I just wouldn't let up and said things that just shouldn't have been said. Then this happens and...huh, I just feel like I can't ever make it up. I can't take back what I said."

"No, that's the terrible thing about words. You can never take them back, and once their heard, it's really hard to forget."

"What do I do?" Hershel looks down with a grim smile on his face and then looks peacefully at Daryl.

"The only thing you can do...ask for forgiveness."

"What if she won't forgive me?"

"Well...I guess you'll both have to live with it." Kissing Kensi's head, Hersel stands up and so does Daryl. "Will she see you?"

"She won't see anyone. She's mad at herself....she should be mad at me."

"No. Stop. She's a big girl, Daryl. He knows how to walk away and ignore things. If she didn't do that, then it's her own fault. This however, this is no ones doing but God's. Everything happens for a reason. She knows that and so should you. Doesn't make it hurt less, but you can get passed it with time and grace." Clapping Daryl on the shoulder, Hershel smiles and then frowns before leaving with Kensi. Sitting back down on the couch, Daryl thinks about what Hershel said and just tries to pray that Beth with be able to find peace with herself and forgive Daryl, whether or not he thinks he deserves it.

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