Chapter 56: Uncertainty

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Chapter 56: Uncertainty

As they have in the past, Beth and Daryl use their free time to mess around and such. They each have their own idea of fun and obviously have tier opinion about how they want to make use of their time away from their daughter. Of course today of all days is their free time while Hershel takes her to a petting zoo. The only problem is, Daryl has no want in his body to have sex today- odd isn't it?"

So when Beth comes down the stairs already naked and wet as can be, Daryl hmphs in off and continues to watch a chick-flick that he'd started watching earlier. As Beth inches her way in front if his view, his eyes wide , but them he goes back to watching the movie right as something bigs being revealed. Ironically Beth felt the same way about her body.

"Hchmmm..." She clears her throat and makes another sexy pose in the nude.

"Beth...I love you, but I can't today." He says barely looking at her. Standing up, she's taken aback by this. Can't? But he always can. "Come sit with me..."

Distraught, she walks over to him and sits on the couch, seductively mind you, an he just pulls her close to him, not caring about her nudity at all. She gazes up at him concerned, but finds him engulfed in the movie, with a softening smile on his lips. She watches the movie intently, but can't get passé her urge of sexual need coursing through her. Why doesn't he want her like usual? Did he do something wrong? Is he not attracted to her like before? All these questions flow through her mind, with no answers of confirmation.

When the movie wraps up, Beth lays down on her stomach with her head in his lap, letting her naked boy take in the slight breeze from the opened windows. Today is hot, but not too hot that a pool would be necessary, just hot enough that being naked keeps you from sweating through your tank top and shorts.

"That was a great movie. I really liked how they found each other after all those years." Daryl says as he looks down at Beth. She smiles and takes his hand, playing with it, before laying it on her naked breast. He makes no comment, but sits there rubbing his hand over her silky breast as the next movie comes on. Beth sighs at the failed attempt and gets up, leaving him to find her clothes. He doesn't acknowledge her leaving or when she comes back with short jean jeans on and a white camisole.

She sits beside him with a beer in her hand and just leans against the arm of the couch, sipping her beer quietly. It hurts her to think that he doesn't sexually want her as much as she wants him. It's like a knot in a piece of rope that she can't get unknotted. Frustration. As this movie ends, Beth takes her empty bottle and goes to the kitchen, depositing it in the recycling bin. When she comes back, he's still on the couch, but now he's laying down. Going around to the front of the couch, she lays down on top of him with her head on his chest. He holds her one hand in his as her other arm is tucked under his neck.

"Where ya been?" She softly asks as he looks up into her eyes and then back at the television, where a woman introduces the next TMC movie premiere.

"Right here...."

"You haven't been mentally here though. What's going in in that skull of yours?" Kissing her head, he looks at her before shutting off the tv.

"I've just been thinking."


"How we got here. Think, two years ago, I was a pain in yer ass and you were my forbidden fruit. Now we have a beautiful daughter, this house, and Ozzie, that derpy security dog."


"And well, we were so busy getting pregnant and them being parents that we never really did this. Appreciate the little things like snuggling up together watching movies. Yeah we have sex all the time, but that's not really being together." Still playing with my hand, he's looking at me and I can tell this is bothering him.

"We used to do these kind of things."

"Yeah, but not romantically. You weren't mine. It's different. "

"So yer saying today you wanna do the things we already used to do, but with a label now?" Sighing, he sits up, forcing me to the other side of the couch. His eyes are dull and he seems to become forlorn.

"Never mind, it's stupid. Let's just go have...." He goes to stand up and I put my hands on his shoulder. Sitting him down again, I crawl into his lap and lay my head on his shoulder.

"It's not stupid. I'm sorry. I forget that guys can be sensitive and sentimental too. Turn the tv back on, the movies gonna be starting."

"Beth we don't hav..."

"We do." I peck his lips and curl more into his body. He kisses my temple and turns the tv back on. It's Gone With the Wind and we lay back down and watch the movie to the end. When it's over, I'm cuddled into him even more and can feel my eyes getting heavy. "Great movie."

"Yes. You getting tired?"

"Mhmm...." I yawn and he pulls down the light fleece blanket over us and kisses my lips.

"Let's take a nap baby."


We sleep most of the day, which sucks, but at least we did it together.

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