Chapter 105: De-Spot-lighted

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With the release of Beth and the twins, Daryl runs around the apartment ragged amd tired. He doesn't let Beth know he is rundown and out of energy- he keeps pushing forward to keep the house at peace. He lets Beth rest and tends to the babies, but when one starts crying, usually Isaac, then both babies cry. Neighbors have tried to keep their complaints to a minimum, understanding babies cry, but even the most understanding of neighbors have stopped Daryl in the hallway, begging for his family to move out of the building.

"I know Mrs. Geretty, but I'm short on cash this month to buy a home. Babies are expensive." He pleads to the old woman who lives next door.

"I get that- but yer babies have been squelling for days and it's making my hearing aids- even at the lowest setting- blast my ears with sharp abruptions." The old lady turns on her heel and Daryl sighs in pain. Slamming her door behind her, Daryl can hear the boys start to cry from the loud noise. Going into the apartment, Daryl goes to the Nursary and holds both boys, gently bouncing and cooing them to try and sleep. His own ears feel like they are bleeding. He doesn't remember Kensi being this loud.

"Daddy..." Kensi says, but Daryl can't hear through the cries. "DADDY!"

"Not now Kensi...let me get the boys to sleep first." Daryl tiredly says and Kensi sadly turns around and leaves the Nursary. For a three year old, she feels as though she is parentless. All she hears are those babies crying and watches as Daddy runs around for them while Mommy rests- per Daddy's request. She isn't neglected persay- he feeds her three or four times a day, depending on if he forgets he already fed her. He baths her every night- but it isn't fun like before- it's a quick soap and water rinse kind of deal- no duckies in the water or Batman vs. Aquaman showdown- just a normal boring bath. He still tucks her in at night- but he never has time to read her a story or tickle her with kisses and raspberries. No. She's not neglected in that kind of way. She's nust neglected of love.

Walking over to the hallway closet, the only real quiet place in the house due to all the clothes in there, and buries herself beneath the pile of clothes. She takes in her parents' distinct smells and begins to cry. They used to fawn over her like she was gonna disappear if they didn't keep an eye on her every second. They would play with her- even when she was tired of playing, yes a two year old can get tired of playing. Her father would carry her around as if she was going to fall through the floor boards like quick sand. Her mother would sing sweet lullabies to her before she slept to make sure that the warmth of her voice stayed in the child's dreams.

Now she basically can do what she wants without supervision. She has to walk across the floor- and she still fears that the creak of the wood beneath her baby feet will suck her in the threshold. She goes to sleep every night with the sound of crying babies in her ears- nightmares play behind her eyelids and her mother's sweet sounding voice has disappated completely from her memory. She used to want a baby brother- was excited ti have two, but now, now she wishes she had none.

She stays in her own little closet, a picture of her and her parents in her hand, and sleeps in the fort of clothes. Alone.

"Babies are asleep." Daryl tiredly says as he lays down on the bed next to Beth. It took him two hours before they finally went to sleep. Brushing his hair out of his face, Beth smiles at the presence of her absent husband. She too has felt a bit of neglect. Really, she wishes he woukd allow her to do things, but the second she is up and moving, he gets all shakey and worried as though being on her feet could rip her heart from her chest. "I'll go make dinner..."

"Daryl you need to stop this. Three weeks of running yerself into the ground is enough. I'm fine. I'm done being coddled and yer done being insane and trying to do everything by yerself." She says poignantly and he lifts his tired head with a struggle and gives her a weak look. "Try to fight me on this and I'll lock you in here."

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