Chapter 6: Julie and the Greene's

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Chapter 6: Julie and the Greene's

Beth's running late tonight. Daryl knows an it worried him, but he doesn't call her at all, mostly cause Julie's sitting on his couch, looking at him seductively. When he hears people in the hallway, he excuses himself from the conversation of her day an goes to the door. Opening it up he finds two older men and a older woman at Beth's door.

"Hershel Greene?" He asks politely an Hershel turns around with a questioning look.

"Ah, yer Daryl right?"

"Yes, sir. Beth's not home yet...yer more than welcome to join me in my apartment until she comes home." He overs a hand and Hershel takes it and then he introduces Patricia and Otis. Walking into Daryl's apartment, Julie is almost taken back by the group. "Julie, I hope you don't mind if Mr. Greene, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold joins us until my neighbor Beth comes home. Do you?"

"Oh no...the more the merrier." She feels lost in a sea of old people and all she really wants is to fuck Daryl right now.

"Mr. Greene, this is my friend Julie. Julie, Mr. Greene."

"Nice ta meet. Ya, Julie, you both can call me Hershel. This is Otis and Patricia."

"The pleasure is all mine." She smiles an they sit amongst the living room. Daryl let's Hershel sit in his recliner and he pulls up a kitchen chair.

"So Daryl, does Beth always get home this late?" Hershel questions and Daryl shakes his head.

"No, sir. Shes usually home by 4:30. She might be out picking up groceries." Daryl doesn't mind conversing with Hershel, he'd like to be on his good side when this baby thing hits the fan.

"Well, I hope she doesn't take too long. We wouldn't want to put you out since you already have company."

"Oh it's alright. We don't mind, do we Julie?"

"No, not at all."

They talk for a good hour and then finally when Daryl answers the door for pizza and wings he ordered, he finds Beth coming up the stairs.

"Here's 10.50 keep the change." He says to the delivery guy and sets the food on the bench as he goes to the top step where Beth is about to step. "Where ya been Greene?"

"I was stuck in traffic. There was a bad accident down town... Nearly could've been my taxi." She says as she steps up beside him. He hugs her, which is in Daryl like and she feels her stomach turn and leap. When he pulls away, she wants to question it, but since he didn't say anything snarky yet, she accepts it as general concern and nothing more. "What's with all the food?"

"Well...Julie's over." He says and she tries not to frown. "And yer family is too. I was gonna let them into yer apartment, but that would require using the spare key."

"There here? I thought they'd be later cause they're coming from the country!"

"Don't panic Spaz...they're fully entertained and engaged in conversation. Come on. Put yer shit in yer apartment and come over and join us." He starts back to the door and Beth rather not hang out with Julie.

"I made roast though..."

"Yeah well, we can have that tomorrow. Tonight we have wings and pizza. So come on."

Meeting them in his apartment, Beth feels awkward as she finds everyone laughing and just having a good time. When she comes in, she sit with her family, who is fully involved in a story Julie is telling them.

"Hey! There you are Jitter Bug! Haha, we were wondering where you were." Hershel says and everyone just keeps laughing and smiling.

"Hi Daddy...there was an accident in front of my I was stuck..."

"Oh are you okay?" Julie asks and Beth wants to spit, but she smiles.

"Yeah...was just a lil jumpy, but I'm okay." Daryl gets he a chair and she smiles at him as she sits down. "Thank you."

"No problem. So I got the food and plates. Who wants a beer or wine cooler?"

Everyone gives Daryl their order and he hands them what they want and they get their food. Beth grabs a cup and pours some water cause she doesn't need another migraine.

"Beth? You wanna a Fuzzy Naval?" Daryl asks as he raises his eyebrows twice and Beth ignores the joke.

"I'm fine thank you." Coming closer he leans in and she can feel his body heat.

"You know, you can have one...yer not pregnant takes 12 hours or more to actually become..."

"We're no discussing this here. I just don't want one." She quietly hisses. Leaning back, he hakes it off, even though it hurts him a bit. Taking a sip of his beer he puts the other beverage in the fridge and Beth just fills he cup up with water and returns with a plate of pizza.

"So Beth...what do you do exactly? Daryl said you were maître d'." Julie seems interested and Beth shake her head, not surprised that Daryl still doesn't know what she is.

"Haha, no...I'm a masseuse. A massage therapist actually." Beth says and Julie nods in interest.

"She's very good at her job." Daryl says and everyone almost looks at him in question of what he means.

"He's had a very moment when the body shop really messed up his shoulders." Beth covers, though there's nothing wrong with her giving him a shoulder massage but he feels he was referencing her hand massage last night- which is the only thing she remembered from the entire thing, except for him initiating the whole thing.

"Yeah, shop can take it's toll of my back and neck. Luckily for me, I love next to the best masseuse in Atlanta." Daryl piggybacks what she said and Julie smiles, but Beth can sense she doesn't like her either.

"So what do you do Julie?" Model.

"I actually am an actress."

Close, Beth says to herself.

"Oh really. Would I have seen you in anything?"

"Not unless you've been to the theater recently. I mainly do big shows, broadway, metropolitan."

"Oh, well that's what I've been wanting to see, but I haven't gotten around to getting any tickets for shows." Beth lies through her teeth. She wouldn't watch Julie on stage...unless she caught on fire from the stage lights and a chandelier fell on her.

"Well I can always get you guys tickets...we love filling up the house." Julie takes a sip of her Strawberry Daiquiri and then looks at Daryl.

"Oh we couldn't do that..." Beth goes to say but everyone else, except Daryl, applauds her and praises he idea. Taking her plate to the sink, Beth takes anyone else's who's done and starts doing dishes when Daryl comes over as her dad asks her about shows.

"You okay?"

"Yes." She bites with her caustic tone growing.

"You don't have to snap. I was just asking." He says as he looks back at the group, who don't even notice they're gone. "You don't have to do my dishes...I never do yers unless they're stacked up and the cockroaches can't hide..."

"Shut up..." She growls and he steps back a bit. He's confused by her tone.

"Jees... Sorry..." He leaves and she feels terrible, but she's just so irritated by this whole thing. She doesn't understand why she's jealous or why she's angry, she just is.

After Hershel and the rest of her 'family' leaves, Beth says goodnight to Julie and Daryl follows her out into the hallway to her apartment door.

"Sorry I stole yer fam...I hope you still had a good time."

"It's fine. Goodnight Daryl." She goes to open her door and Daryl places his hand on hers in the doorknob.

"Did I do something?" He asks and Beth shakes her head no, but she really wanted to say 'yes, cause yer a moron and so am I' but she doesn't. " want me to bring breakfast over tomorrow?"

"No." She gets in an shuts the door in his face. Standing there confused Daryl waits a few seconds, hurt and confused. Finally turning, he for back inside where Julie is waiting seductively.

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