Chapter 19: Home Again, Home Again

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Chapter 19: Home Again, Home Again

Putting her bag down in her living room, Beth feels great to finally be back. Though France was beautiful and the trip a bit messy, she enjoys being back in her apartment where she can do what ever she wants without discretion. Clambering to the couch, she lays down and closes her eyes. The jet lag is getting to her now and all she can do is close her eyes and fall to sleep.

Her dream is filled with babies, crescents, and Daryl. He seems to still harbor in her dreams even though she's over him. Why does he have such an impact on her anyway? If any other guy acted the way he did to her, she'd kick him out of her life before he could blink, but she keeps Daryl around...for what?

Speaking of the devil, walking through her door, Beth groans.

"Didn't I just get rid of you?" She growls as she rolls to her side on the couch.

"Merle got in a car crash..." He says shocked and in pain. Sitting up immediately, Beth looks at him and is fully awake.

"Oh my he okay?" Coming over, he sits next to her on the couch and he just blankly stares at the ground.

"He's okay...Carol too..."

"What about Sophia?" Looking deep in his eyes, he doesn't have to answer. She knows and she immediately pulls him close as he starts getting more and more upset. "Oh Daryl...I'm here...I got you....We should go see them...we're going to see them."


"You can't possibly go by need a friend there and I know Merle...Daryl, I'm sorry." She pulls him close as he begins to cry a bit and she rubs his back. "It'll be okay..."

Once again they're back on a plane to Kentucky and the whole way there, Daryl stares out the widow like a zombie. Beth hates seeing him this way. Looking at him, she grabs his hand and holds hit tightly for comfort. He seems to take solace in this as well. Laying his head on her shoulder, Daryl remembers when he first met Sophia when she was really little. He knew Carol before Merle had. They were friends from way back and he knew Sophia as a small toddler. Knowing she's gone hurts him immensely.

When they get to Kentucky, they hail a cab to the hospital that was on Daryl's answering machine and they find Merle and Carol's room. Knocking, Daryl and Beth enter and Carol is crying and Merle is just sitting in his own bed looking just as forlorn, but without the tears.

"Daryl..." Carol says and he goes to her, hugging her close and then hugging Merle, who usually isn't about bro-mancing it up.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here..." Daryl says as he looks at them both and Beth just lingers by the doorway.

"She's little girl is gone..." Carol cries and Merle just shakes his head, upset and frustrated. It takes a few minutes for them to get calmed down an notice Beth in the corner. "Oh You mus...must be Beth..."

Carol sobs a bit and Beth steps forward.

"I'm sorry about Sophia..."

They sit for a while until Carol falls asleep and Merle feels better, not by much though.

"I should've been paying attention to the ice...We usually don't get too much, but this year...this beginning of winter...Huh,it's all my fault." Merle says and Beth sits beside him because Daryl isn't good at comforting anyone...anyone besides Beth.

"It's not her fault Merle...There's a reason for everything...this was a terrible thing, but someday we'll all understand why God works the way he does. I know you don't believe in God...but you should at least believe that he's with Sophia..." She sweetly says and Daryl just sits on the windowsill and listens a small smile rising to his lips as his best friend makes his brother feel a bit better and not to blame.

"But she blames me...I know she must."

"She doesn't... Carol doesn't. Merle, this happens and it's sad, but when you care about people, hurt is kinda part of the package." That catches in Daryl's ears and he ponders it over and over and over again.

"Yer a good woman Beth...I'm glad my brudder has ya." She blushes and Daryl looks away.

"Well, I'm lucky to have him too."

They end up leaving the hospital with Merle's house key and they take care of Sophia's tabby cat Kiyoya.

"There's a guest bedroom upstairs you can use...."

"Okay...where are you gonna stay?"

He looks around and spots the couch.

"Yer not sleeping on the couch Daryl...not for three days." Taking his hand, she leads him upstairs, shutting the light off as they go. Entering the guest room, Beth sets her bag on the floor by the dresser and Daryl sets his there too. "Daryl...are you okay?"

Sitting on the well-made bed, Daryl puts his head in his hands and tugs on his hair a bit as he starts to cry. Taking a seat next to him, Beth comforts him by holding him close and shh-ing him.

"I got you....Yer okay...Yer okay...I got you Daryl...I got you." He just cries harder and she kicks her shoes off and then takes his off by lifting his feet as he lays back on the bed. Laying next to him, Beth covers them with the blanket and they lay underneath for a few minutes in silence. "Daryl..."

"Yeah..." His voice is raspy and she can still hear the pain.

"Never mind...this isn't the time." she changes her mind on the conversation she wants to have.

"What is it?" He looks at her and then back up to the ceiling. After two weeks in Paris, Beth thought everything would iron itself out, but it hadn't. "Tell me."

He rolls onto his side and looks deep into her eyes. She takes a doe breath with closed eyes before she starts.

"I'm pregnant..." She says a little forlorn from the long day. "I wanted to tell you after we got home an could relax, but this came up and I...huh, I'm dumb...I'm sorry."

"Yer for real pregnant?" He asks with a bit of mystery in his feelings.

"Yeah...took a few test and they all came back positive...I'm having a baby." She says quietly and he smiles at her. Gently pinching her cheek, Daryl grins a bit and she does too.


He feels a bit hopeless now and well, abandoned. Leaning forward he kisses her forehead and then shuts off the lamp beside the bed. Laying in the dark they know each other is awake and thinking about one child or the other. Wrapping herself around Daryl, Beth feels safe and comforted in his arms and is just glad he's given her what she's always wanted...for now.

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