Chapter 41: What?

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Chapter 41: What?

Stepping out of the Carson Moruge, the old man shuts door behind Beth with a small smile and she gets in a cab, the old man called for her. She tells the driver to go to her hotel as she slumps in the back seat. She wants to be alone tonight. Too much has befallen her and she can't even go home. Her phone goes off and it's an unrecognizable number. She hits ignore and the cab gets her to the hotel shortly. Going up to her room, key card in hand, and tears falling from her face she just wants answers.

Openning the door, she shuts in behind her, head pressed to the door and sobs a bit more. Her phone goes off again with the strange number and she cancels it. Turning around, she screams. Rushing into his arms she knocks him onto the floor flat and holds him close as she cries and cries and cries.

"Beth, Jesus...are you trying to break my back?" He asks in pain and then notices she's crying hysterically. Sitting up with her in his arms, he looks her over nervously. "Beth, honey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

She blubbers several inaudible words and cries harder and harder into his neck. He's so confused by this that all he can do is console her and kiss her temples.

"Baby, I can't understand you. Just breathe... okay? Calm down, Beth. I'm here. I got you." After a few minutes, she finally calms down and looks him over, checking his face and feeling his body; to make sure she isn't dreaming, she pulls her eyes tightly shut and pinches herself over and over again. "Hey...hey...stop it. Beth, what are you doing?"

"You are alive! Oh Daryl I thought you were dead! I thought it was you in that accident. I went looking for you at the hospital but the bitch nurse wouldn't tell me anything and they kicked me out so I hopped in an ambulance and pretended to be an EMT and found out that the other person went to Carson morgue so I went there, but only found a dead bloodied man that wasn't you and I didn't know what happened to you! I called you and called you and texted you, but you never picked up...and...and I thought it was you who died." She's talking a mile a minute and Daryl can hardle keep up with her story, until she starts choking on air. Patting her back and kissing her neck, he can see why she's so upset.

"I couldn't pick up my phone cause I accidently left it in my pants at work. I was trying to call you cause I was stuck behind that big accident for two hours and was trying to get out, but the cabbie didn't understand me and wouldn't unlock the doors. I've been trying to call you from here cause you weren't at the restaurant and not here so I wasn't sure if you went home or what happened to you."

"I didn't know the number so I never picked up..." She cries and he just kisses her to stop her crying. His lips on her reassures her, he's alive and well. Getting up off the floor, he looks down at her. "I love you...I was so scared that I'd never see you again and that Kensi would grow up without you..."

"Sweetie, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Taking her to the bedroom, her eyes light up as she sees what he's down to the room. "It's a little cheesy, the flower petals, but I thought I should make up for it since we never made it to dinner. I got you those flowers and some chocolates. And this."

She feels his hands leave her and soon she sees a pendant necklace come around her neck and he clips the clasps together. Looking down at it, it's a heart with a baby's footprint in it and Kensi's name on the edges and her birith stone in the middle. Turning around, she kisses him and hugs him tightly.

"You didn't have to do all this. The fact that you're alive is enough for me."

"Then give it back." He jokes and she shakes her head no. "Haha, that's what I's nice to know."

"Nice to know what?" She aks as she tightens her hold on him.

"That if I do die, you'll miss me. That I meant something to you." He has a few tears in his ears and Beth looks at him shocked and teary eyed as well.

"How could you think you wouldn't mean anything to me? That I wouldn't miss you?" She looks at him and their tears break down their faces.

"I don't know..."

"Daryl, I love you so damn much. You have no idea how terrible I've felt all night from thinking I lost you without being able to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I love you so much. You're my best friend and the father of my child. I was crushed beyond repair thinking you were gone."

Hugging each other forever, Daryl kisses Beth longingly and thankful that he has her. When they make it to the bed, she lays him down and lays on top of him. Kissing, they never break the touch as they undress and touch each other.

"Wait, we shouldn't...yer in pain from the baby." He takes concern in her, ignoring his own want.

"This pain is nothing compared to the thought of losing you." She kisses him and gently puts him in her, moaning in pain and want as she feels him for the first time in almost three months. They move slow and continue kissing each other as they slowly build their orgasms to a peak. When they cum, Beth doesn't feel the pain any more, but the love they have for each other. Laying on his chest, Beth traces circles over his chest and he rubs her lower back slowly, while leaving kisses on her lips. "I love you."

"I love you, Beth Greene. I'm sorry you had a terrible day."

"The only thing terrible about today was thinking I lost the love of my life."

"Oh really? Love of yer life aye?" He raises an eyebrow and she looks deep into his eyes.

"Don't ruin the moment with some cheesy joke. Accpet the truth and inevitable, meathead." She giggles a bit and he kisses her tenderly before looking at her.

"I was gonna say, you read my mind...cause yer mine, Sweetheart."

Sighing with a kiss, they fall alseep and relish the day they had.

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