Chapter 107: Time Jump

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(Three Years Later)

"Mommy! Isaac is eating mud!" Kensi yells as she runs in from the backyard. It took two years for Beth and Daryl to save up for a house and now that they have one close to Hershel amd Maggie- chaos has almost calmed itself completely.

The six year old runs into the kitchen as Beth prepares lunch for the kids. She has given up her career to be a stay at home mom while Daryl and Abraham's Cycle Shop, turned into a chain- building bikes, selling them, and evem repairs- money isn't so much an issue for the Dixon's any more.

"Kensi, can you tell Isaac to come here. Please." Trotting back outside, Kensi goes to the dark brown haired boy to come inside. He looks so much like his father that it almost disturbs Kensi to the point of insanity. The curious thing about the twins, everyone finds, is that one looks like Daryl- dark blue eyes, dark brown hair- and RJ, resembles Beth- Blonde hair, light blue eyes. For them being twins- it's a rare case. Then again, their birth was somewhat of a rare occurance as well.

"Mommy wants you Isaac." Kensi politely says as she comes closer to the boy, who's mouth is dirtied and a worm sticks out of it. Even Kensi wasn't that adventurous at three. Taking his hand, they walk inside and Kensi delivers the boy to their mother, who's face droops slightly and saddened eyes mask her amusement.

"Honey, we don't eat mud and worms." Beth puts the plate of chicken nuggets down and grabs a wet paper towel and begins washing his face.

"I wants Dirt N' Worms. Like yous make." He says politely and Kensi giggles a bit before leaving the kitchen.

"Honey- I make that with pudding and gummy worms. Please don't eat mud and worms ever again. It's not good for you baby. Understand." She gives him a sippy cup and he washes his mouth out by spitting the water in the trash bin.

"Yeah." He hugs his mother and she smiles.

"Go tell Kens, and RJ it's lunch time please." She pats the boys bottom and sends him in the direction of the kids. Going into the living room, Isaac finds his twin looking through Beth's sheet music- a thing he has come to enjoy. The notes on the pages have always interested the boy, so much so that Beth has begun to teach him how to read it. He and his brother couldn't be more different besides looks. Isaac has been the adventurous one who loves camping and fishing in his pool while RJ loves the arts and is a bit mpre reserved than his rambuncious brother. Kensi is the fulcrum of the childre. She enjoys playing outside and being crazy with Isaac, but also enjoys staying indoors and doing puzzles or coloring with RJ. The twins are like complete strangers almost- this not only worries Beth, but bothers her. She feela as twins they should have a special bond that only twins can have. Instead they seem disinterested in each other.

"Lunch." Turning on his heel, he's about to go when he notices RJ still sitting amongst the sheet music. Going to him Isaac looks down at his brother and studies him. He doesn't understand what's so captivating about black and white squiggles on a piece of paper. "Lunch, Robbie."

"Busy. Go away." RJ says and Isaac fumes in his light up sneakers.

"Lunch!" Isaac pushes the smaller twin and RJ looks up at him with glaring eyes. Standing up, RJ pushes Isaac and soon it's a toddler fight. The boys scream, push, smack, bite, and roll on the floor fighting.

"Boys. Boys!" Beth yells and grabs Isaac from on top of RJ, who has tiny scratches on his face from his other half. "What are you doing! We don't fight!"

"He push me!" RJ squeaks and Isaac sticks his tongue out.

"Enough! I don't care who started it. When Dad gets home, yer both in trouble." The boys frown and Beth puts Isaac on the ground. "Now get to that table and eat lunch."

The boys walk to the table and Kensi just minds her own business as they eat quietly. She has witnessed this fight since the boys could be out of their play pen. They argue (little kid arguing is the cutest) and soon one, typically Isaac, throws the first 'punch' and they both end up in trouble. At this point Kensi doesn't see them ever getting along. After a about an hour, Daryl comes home and Kensi rushes up to him, gives him a kiss and tells him about the day.

"Fighting? Again? Oh Kensi Marie, what are we gonna do with those silly boys. Huh Monster?" Kensi shrugs her shoulders and skips away. Going into the kitchen as Beth is getting ready to start dinner, Daryl sets his stuff down, goes behind her and wraps his arms around her kissing her neck and rubbing his hands up and down her body. "Hey Baby...boys fighting again?"

"Yeah...I don't get it Daryl. They should love each other. They have nothing in common, they basically hate each other. Twice I had to break up a fight. One was over who got to play with Tiny and the other was simply having Isaac call RJ to lunch. If they are drawing blood this little- what are they gonna be like when they are older and can punch or worse, get ahold of a weapon?"

"Babe, I don't think they'd kill each other. Boys fight. Merle and I was the same way."

"That's not reassuring at all. I've heard stories about you and Merle fighting. I just...huh, I feel bad because RJ is shy and smaller than Isaac- he is always the one who's getting hurt. He doesn't connect with anyone under 6. And Isaac, he's really outgoing, athletic for his age- and he's twice RJ's size. I fear that their fights are going to get worse. And with the size difference, RJ could get really hurt one of these days." Daryl just lays his head on Beth's shoulder and contemplates the problems. He's never met twins who hated each other. Sure twins fight, but typically they are closer to each other than any other person.

"Alright. Where are they?" Daryl says pulling away.

The boys were going to get talked to from their Dad. A conversation those two boys should remember for a long time.

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