Chapter 106: The Accident

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As every cop scowers the streets, Dauson and Rick are toe to toe on if Daryl could have hurt or worse, kill Kensi in his state of mind.

"I'm telling you, Dauson! Drop that idea! Daryl couldn't harm Kensi!"

"You've been compromised Rick! There's no way you can do this case. As second in command- I order you to step down- or be held in contempt." Beth just sots there, confused, hurt, and worried. From the abruption, Daryl has awakened and comes out to the kitchen.

"Beth, what's going on?" He tiredly asks as he finds three police officers- including Rick- standing in his kitchen arguing.

"Kensi's missing!" She says and his face says it all- he's worried.

"Mr. Dixon, as of late we are taking you into custody for the disappearance of yer daughter Kensi. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be held against you in federal court. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one can be provided for you..." Dauson rattles off the Miranda Rights as two officers cuff Daryl- who's tired, confused, and worried.

As they are about to leave, through Rick and Dauson yelling at each other, babies crying, and Beth wailing- a presence comes into the hallway of the kitchen.

"Kensi!" Beth yells and races across the room- knocking over two officers- and holds the girl tightly in her arms. "WHERE WERE YOU!"

"Seeping in da closet, Mommy." The girl begins to cry and Beth's body sinks in her stature and just cries harder. "I sorry's quiet in there."

"You know how worried I was something bad happened to you! Uncle Rick and his men are searching the streets for you and yer sleeping in the closet under clothes for peace and quiet! That isn't okay Kensi Marie!!!" Beth yells and the little girl cries even harder.

"Beth...she's okay. It happens." Ricks says irritated, but understanding.

"It's not okay Rick. I've been worried sick that something happened to my baby girl."

"Not mama's baby. Not daddy's baby!" Kensi says with tears in her eyes. The policemen uncuff Daryl and start to leave- calling over their radios to cancel the search. Rick stands there confused with Beth and Daryl.

"Of course you are sweet pea. We love you so much Marie." Daryl says as he steps closer and for the first time ever, Kensi rejects Daryl's love. She turns away from her father, scorning him. "Kensi... I love you."

Daryl is on all fours reaching one out to touch Kensi and she jerks away. The sickness in his stomach turns to pain. His heart feels like it's shrinking. The babies begin to cry and Kensi turns her to the floor.

"Yer babies crying! Go!" Kensi yells saddly. Rick starts to the nursary so Beth and Daryl can sort things out with Kensi. "Yer babies cry! Go Da...Da...Daryl!"

Both parents sit back in their legs. She never used their first names. She never rejected her father- even when things were bad. Daryl was her Daddy, her hero, her everything. The pain in his heart bears down on him like a lion on its prey.

"Kensi Marie! You appoligize to yer father right now Missy." Beth says and Kensi snubs her as well.

"Not my Daddy! Not mine! Yous not my mommy I-der!" Kensi goes to the corner and sits on her little pink stool Hershel made her. She clutches her baby blanket and cries. Sitting on their butts, both Beth and Daryl are at a lose for words. Were they really that tired to not notice their little girl pleading for their attention? Three weeks surrounded by Mommy sleeping and Daddy taking care of two babies to notice that they have forgetten to truly love their daughter who used to be their world. Now that the twins were around- Kensi wasn't apart of that world or any other, she was just an extra mouth to feed, an extra bottle of soap, and extra nightlight. She was dethroned by two boys who she didn't even know anything about besides that when they cried Daddy came running, Mommy sang them to sleep, Mommy and Daddy talked sweet to them.

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