Chapter 86: Calvary Call

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She rushes from car to car in hopes of finding the boy. True she would love to inflict pain on Daryl- especially Beth- but she has the heart to no not to harm a small innocent, defenseless baby. Finally standing on top of a car roof, she presses the panic button on the keys- in hope that they work. Suddenly the siren goes off and she races to the blue Lincoln as fast as she can. When she gets there, she forces the trunk open- only to find it empty. Shutting the alarm off, she looks around momentarily and Len surprises her with a crowbar over the head. Falling to the ground, Dawn shakes her head to regain focus, but her vision is blurry and red. All she can see is Len hobbling up to her and about to beat her again, when she kicks up rusty dusk from the ground into his eyes. Getting up, she weakly presses the alarm button again- in hopes to alert someone. As she runs back towards the fire pit, she can still hear Len crying out in pain. Once back to the car, she pops the trunk and inside is Teddy, unconscious and still. Grabbing him, she starts sprinting to the exit- vision almost black with splashes of red. When she hears Len making his way toward her, she hunkers down and is deafened by the alarm and his screaming.

"WHERE ARE YOU, YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He sounds demented and she shivers a bit. Getting closer to the exit, but not close enough, she hides Teddy under a car as to keep him safe while she sets off a few now alarms. Going to a Hummer, she sets it off and starts setting more and more off until the whole warehouse echoes with alarms. Len has no choice but to cover his ears and hunker under a truck bed.

As Dawn races back to Teddy, she is not only hard of hearing now, but almost completely blind as blood stains her cheeks. Grabbing the small boy, she heads toward the exit and gets out. Stoping short of the dock, she turns around and finds a couples of drums of oil. Laying Teddy safely in a basket, she drags the oil cans to the building and shoves them over, sending the oils all over the outside of the building and letting it seep under the only exit. Backing up, she takes a match out of her pocket and lights one of her socks- throwing it in the oil and setting the place ablaze. The smoke is suffocating and Dawn tries to stagger back to Teddy as she hears the sirens off in the distance. From inside the building she hears a mix of dying car alarms and Len- burning alive.

"Altanta PD! Hands in the air!" A young man calls as she hears several guns click- ready to shoot her.

"I have the baby! I'll give him to you. I don't want any trouble officers. He's unconscious and needs medical help." She warns them and puts her free hand in the air as a member of a seat team races in a takes Teddy, while another handcuffs her.

"Officer Grimes- it's the boy we've been searching for." An officer states and Rick comes closer and notices Teddy- who looks very sick. Taking the child in his arms he calls in another fire squad on his way to an EMT who just showed up.

"This boy needs attention right away. Do whatever it takes to keep him alive." Rick commands and glances back at Dawn, who's face is all bloody. "Get another ambulance down here- she's going to need attention too."

On his way to the hospital, he calls Daryl.

"Hello? Merle speaking."

"Merle! It's Rick. We have him! Let Beth and Daryl know that we're taking him to Grady Memorial!" He hangs up before Meroe can confirm the information. Sitting in the back of the ambulance, Rick watches as the EMT woman tries to find his pulse. " he even alive?"

The EMT grows sadder in her expression and shakes her head.

"I'm not the coroner, but he's been gone for at least three days... You see this bruise here?" She points to his rib cage. "This rib must've been broken and it punctured his lung- causing him to suffocate. On top of that, he has a swollen temporal love which can mean brain swelling- so he must have been dropped or beaten with a blunt object. I'm so sorry Officer Grimes. I'm so sorry."

Rick can't do anything but shake his head and let a few tears fall. How was he to tell Beth and Daryl that their baby was beaten to death? Life isn't fair. It's not fair at all.

Author's Note

I am terribly sorry with how this Chapter ended. But I promise there will be a turn of emotions in the next few chapters.
Sorry again.

Almy Rose💚💚💚

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