Chapter 71: So Much for So Little

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Chapter 71: So Much for So Little

Standing up and racing upstairs, Daryl searches his room and Kensi's room for Teddy. Kensi's room is empty and he doesn't hear her anywhere. Racing back downstairs he runs from kitchen to living room and when he gets to the back room he pauses. Sitting on the couch, Teddy is swaddled in his blanket and soft words being sung to him in the most beautiful voice. Kensi is asleep on the recliner and the whole room is darkened by the curtains.

"Soft meadows for you, lil lamb and high flying birds, Nothing we can do but love each other with tenderness...." She stops singing and looks up from the baby and finds Daryl frozen in the doorway, consumed by light. "Hey..."

"Hey..." Slowly coming over to her, he sits on the coffee table and watches Beth gently rub her thumb over Teddy's cheek.

"He was crying...I don't know you didn't wake up from it, but he needed changed and I fed him..."


"I'm sorry I haven't been a good fiancé lately...."

"Honey, I understand completely how you feel about him...that doesn't make you bad. I should've included you in this decision."

" did made a good choice...He's such a lover." She kisses the babies head and then looks up at Daryl, who's smiling and comes to sit beside her on the couch. "He may not have came from us...but I love him."

"I hate to say it, but I told ya so."

"Yeah yeah." She giggle and the boy yawns in her arms. "Oh hey, baby sleepy?"

He yawns again as if he's answering her and she beams at him so brightly. Daryl kisses her forehead and wraps an arm around her shoulder. Kensi wakes up hazily and sits on Daryl's lap.

"Hey Sweet Pea. You still tired?"


"Yeah? Hmm, you and Teddy are two sleepy babes today. It must be the rain." Daryl kisses her temple and holds her like a baby in his arms. "I remember when I first held you like this."


"Yep. You were the cutest darn thing ever. Still are ya lil monster." He tickles her neck and she giggles through a yawn.

"I remember when Maggie had Aidan and you were so nervous about holding him...You were white as a ghost."

"I was just scared you were hurt..."

"Sure, you were." Beth kisses his cheeks and he turns making it land on his lips.

"Eww." Kensi says and try laugh at her.

"Eww? I'll show you eww." Daryl attacks Kensi with kisses and she squirms and giggles as he plays with her. Beth just smiles widely and loves that this is her life.

"Mommy, Daddy ewwy."

"Yeah, he's ewwy...but we love him don't we?"

"Heehee yeah." Kensi lays back against Daryl's chest and he kisses the top of her head. "Teddy tickle kissy?"

"No. He's still lil. He was only born a few days ago sweetie."

"Oh." Getting up, Kensi kisses Teddy's forehead and sits in between Beth and Daryl.

"Yeah, he's really little. Was he premature do you know?" Beth asks and Daryl shakes his head.

"I don't think so. I don't know much about him except that he's healthy."

"Oh. When's his birthday?"

"Um... I don't remember off the top of my head." She gives him a strange look and Daryl ignores it by blowing raspberries on Kensi's belly. When Kensi gets up and runs to the living room. Beth is staring at Daryl and he just pretends to be looking at his fingers.

"He's theirs...isn't he?"

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