Chapter 80: Again

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Chapter 80: Again

"Sweetie, you look so amazing." Standing at the alter, Daryl holds Beth's hands as the priest begins the service. How did he make it here? With her as his soon to be bride and two beautiful children? Their days have been passing so quickly that Daryl isn't sure how many days it actually has been since the day she showed up in his office and they had sex.

"If Daryl would like to exchange his vows first." The priest says happily. Daryl looks deep into Beth's eyes and clears his throat.

"Beth, when I first met you my heart stopped. you are so beautiful and kind. I can't believe it's taken me two and a half years to do this. I should've had you from day one, but I'm glad we took our time. Taking our time was the best decision ever because I knew one day I'd have you as mine, and I'm more than happy that today has finally come. I'd do anything for you. I love you." She has tears in her eyes and his stomach flops. Two years ago he never would have imagined being here. Here with a beautifully woman, two kids, and a moment that will change everything forever.

"Beth, you may read your vows."

"Light is the element of everything. It reaches the far distances of our world and brings a meaning of security with it. Daryl, you are my light. We've been through so much together that anything that's strange to others is now normal for us. You've always been there for me and have put yerself after everyone and thing. Yer first in my life and heart. I love you so much."

"Now that the vows are exchanged, Daryl Mychal Dixon, do you take Beth Elisabeth Greene to be your lawfully wedding wife? To have and to hold, for richer And poor, in sickness and in health, til death to you part?"

"I do."

"And do you Beth Elisabeth Greene take Daryl Mychal Dixon to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, for richer and poor, in sickness and in health, til death do you part."

"I do."

"By the power vested in me by the state of Georgia, you may now kiss the bride!" They quickly peck each other's lips and turn. Walking down the steps, Merle hands Kensi to Daryl and Carol hands Beth Teddy. Walking inside with everyone congratulating them, they sneak off to the upstairs hotel room to change.

"Yer so pretty Mommy!" Kensi hugs Beth and she smiles down at the child by her feet.

"So are you baby. Hello, my handsome boy! You are so precious." She kisses Teddy's cheek and he waves his arms at her.

"Ma-ma!" Everyone in the room pauses and looks at Teddy. Daryl who's just in his dress pants, shirt and vest looks at Beth and then the boy

"Did he just?" Daryl goes to ask and Beth tears up with joy.

"Say his first word? Yes!" They come together and Daryl picks up Teddy and holds him close.

"Who's this Teddy?" He points to Beth and the baby smiles and wriggles in Daryl's arms.

"Ma-ma!" They swoon over the child's broken speech. Kensi is dancing around and Beth just smiles.

"What was my first word?" Kensi asks as she comes over.

"It was Dada, of course." Beth says and kisses her forehead. "Now, I need to get out of this dress and into the slim blue one.

"I'll help with this." Coming behind her, Daryl places a kiss on her shoulder and unzips her dress. Kensi runs to the chair with Beth's blue dress on it and brings it over to her.

"Here mommy!"

"Thank you, Sweet Pea!" She pecks Kensi's cheek and goes to the restroom to slip into her dress. Coming out, Beth goes up to Daryl and he immediately kisses her lips before each grab a child and they go down to the ballroom for their reception.

Heading down to the reception, Beth and Daryl lock eyes in the elevator and realize they've just begun a new chapter of their life.

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