Chapter 46: An Apology or a Goodbye?

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Chapter 46: An Apology or a Goodbye?

Head spinning and body aching, Beth wakes up from another nightmare. Getting up, she can't remember if last night really happened, until she finds the note she left on the table and her two heels in the hallway. Moaning in pain, she feels dead and shuffles to the bathroom to take some Advil.

She can't fully remember why she hurts so bad, but maybe it was because she got shoved onto her bed and left there. Looking at the clock in her bathroom, it's only 6:30 and yet it feels like she slept the whole night, besides those nightmares about complete darkness in a lonely world.

Then she remembers Daryl yelling at her in an upset manor and him crying before leaving. Going across the hall, she knocks on his door and finds no answer. Picking up the key out of her room, she unlocks the door and shuts it behind her. Blindly walking to his room, Beth lays down on his bed.

"Listen, I'm sorry...I probably wasn't the nicest person last night and I deserved everything...Can you just look past my drunkenness and accept this as a mistake?" She waits for a few seconds, but finds no response. "Listen, I get I was wrong. I'm constantly pushing you away, but maybe I'm just scared of getting to close to you. I really do love you, but...grrr can you just talk to me? Acknowledge that I'm here? Daryl?"

Turning on the light, she finds his room empty.

"Great...fucking great."

Without care, Beth curls up in his blankets and falls asleep. When she wakes up, she half expects him to be there, greeting her with a firm speech or stern look, but alas, he isn't there. Going back to her apartment, Beth tries to call him, but Daryl never answers and he won't text her back.

A knock comes from her door and she races to answer it, only to find the disappointment of her sister dropping off Kensi.

"Oh, yer up."

"Yeah...thank for watching her." Beth says as he takes Kensi and kisses her cheek.

"Everything okay?"

"Drunk me got in a fight with Daryl... he's just gone." Beth says as she bounces the baby.

"Well, you shouldn't have gotten so drunk and expected him to deal with you. Yer an adult now can't just treat people one way and expect them to take it." Setting her stuff down in the living room, Maggie grabs a cup of coffee and sits at the table.

"Yeah...maybe he just took Ozzie to the park."

"Maybe...hey, Daryl's a great guy...but he needs space too. Thinking is good for everyone." Beth nods, but remembers Daryl saying he was done with her and that he didn't care. Crying, Beth cuddles Kensi close and wishes she could take it all back.

"I just don't wanna lose him...I love him Maggie."

"I know...just give him some space Beth...its not goodbye until he's gone."

That afternoon, Beth tried to just give Daryl space, but couldn't. She'd wait in his apartment for a while or text or call him. She even went down to the cycle shop in hope he was there. But once again, he never turned up.

Around midnight, Beth finally gives in to Daryl's payback. She sits holding Kensi and singing in her rocking chair. What is she to do? If he won't answer and isn't around, is he even alive? As if Kensi could read Beth's mind, she starts crying and her mother tries to sooth her.

"Shhh, I'm sure Daddy will be back soon. Shh, Mommy's got you." Beth coos in the baby's direction and even she begins to cry at the sad truth that if Daryl didn't want to be found, he wouldn't be.

A Month Later....

"So how's Kensi?" Rosita asks as they sit in the break room at work.

"She senses he's gone still. She cries all day and half the night. He was the better parent..."

"Beth, yer just tired. Daryl is around here somewhere and I bet soon enough, you'll find him and have civil conversation."

Poking her salad, Beth is at a lack of sleep and wishes she never stepped foot in that bar a month ago. December is fast approaching, and Beth refuses to have Kensi's first christmas be spoiled cause she's a terrible mother, who drove her father away.

"Beth, maybe Daryl went to visit Merle and Carol..."

"Which means Dawn has found him no doubt and is trying to seduce him!" Fuming mad, Beth stands up and leaves unannounced, which leaves Rosita confused more than ever.

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