Chapter 108: The Talk

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Going into the living room, Daryl finds RJ laying on his stomach looking at more sheet music. When he notices his father, he gets up and walks politely over to her father, who picks him up and hugs him tightly. He notices the scratches on his neck and feels for the kid- that was him in his fights against Merle.

"Hi Daddy." The boy sweetly says and Daryl just smiles and kisses the boy's cheek.

"Hi Lil Bear. So...what happened?" The boy looks down and plays with his father's button on his shirt.

"Isaac and I's fight again. He push-ed me and scratch-ed me. I push-ed him down...I sorry Daddy." Daryl has always noticed the personality difference. Isaac is more rambuncious, he is more physical, and relies more on action to get his emotions across. RJ on the other hand is more manor oriented, knowledge inspired, and calm in his ways. He rarely runs, doesn't like to be tossed or jostled around, and is more patient than any three year old Daryl knows. Isaac is constantly moving at a pace faster than a walk, is quick to get frustrated, and is one to horse around. "Daddy spank me?"

", I'm not gonna spank you RJ. I think you learned yer lesson. I'm going to talk to Isaac and then I think you should appologize to him." RJ nods in aggreance and Daryl gives him one more hug before setting him down for him to go back to his sheet music.

Heading to the back room, Isaac is bouncing from couch to love seat to Lazy Boy. When Daryl gets close enough, the boy launches himself off the couch at Daryl, who catches him in his arms and gives him a hug.

"Rawr! Rawr! Rawr!" Isaac says as he tickles Daryl's neck.

"Oh you got me...ahhh!" He sits on the couch and the boy bounces up and down on his father's lap. "Okay...okay, Isaac. That's enough Monkey."

The boy calms down a bit and Daryl just smiles at the child in his arms.

"Okay- what happened today? Mommy already told me- so no fibbing." The boy looks down and tries to give his father the puppy face to get out of punishment. "Come on. It's better if you just tell me."

"I shove RJ. He push me. We fight! We fight." The boy puts his hands up in the air like he's swearing to God that's the truth.

"Isaac- did you start it?"

"I did...I did. But he shove me too."

"It doesn't really matter. You shouldn't be fighting in the first place. Remember what Mommy says- if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

"I no say nothing. I shove. I shove, Daddy."

"Well if you can't be nice, walk away. You don't beat up yer brother. Punching, hitting, shoving- isn't nice in any way. How would you feel if Kensi, or Isaac, or Mommy and I shoved you?"

"I be sad. So sad Daddy."

"Don't ya think, maybe RJ was sad when you shoved him?" The boy looks down and contemplates his father's accusation.


"Okay. So what aren't you going to do any more?"

"Shove, punch, hit!"

"Okay. Now go say you're sorry to RJ." Daryl hugs him and puts him on the ground. Following the little boy out to the living room, Daryl and Beth watch the exchange between the twins.

"Robbie...Robbie!" Isaac bends down and taps RJ's shoulder to get his attention. Looking up, RJ has a blank face and stands up. Daryl and Beth hold their breath as they await the interaction between the boys.

"Isaac?" RJ politely says as he folds his tiny hands in front of him.

"Sorry I shove you." Isaac says.

"Okay." RJ says and turns back to his mysic sheets. Isaac becomes mad at the blow off and once more shoves RJ.

"You 'posed to say back!"

"No shove!" RJ stands up and shoves Isaac and before Beth and Daryl can stop the interaction, Isaac shoves RJ really hard vausing him to lose his balance, slip on the sheet music and smack his head off the coffee table- knocking him out with a small gash in his head. Both Daryl and Beth race over to their son- both panicing over the blood.

"RJ! RJ! Please!" Beth sobs and Daryl races to get the phone. Calling 911, he calls for an ambulance and tgen runs to get the first aide kit. Isaac doesn't move. He doesn't say anything. When Daryl comes back, they start gauzing his head to stop the
bleeding and Beth just listens for a heart beat which is steady- thank God.


"Kensi, take Isaac to the kitchen please!" Beth says trying to sound let panicked but it's no where close.

The ambulance arrives and Beth goes with RJ in it to the hospital. Daryl gathers the kids and buckles them in their seats as he follows the ambulance. In the back Kensi is becoming worried; Isaac, has no emotion at all.

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