Chapter 37: A Family Discussion

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Chapter 37: A Family Discussion

A few days pass and everything seems better than anything before. Sitting on her father's couch with Kensi in her arms, Beth needs to tell them about Daryl. The only problem is, she doesn't know how to go about it. When she finds Maggie pestering her about things, Beth finally decides to spill the beans.

"Everyone, I have something to tell you..." Beth announces and Everyone from Otis to Maggie stop talking and look at her and the baby. "So you know how I said I chose a donor..."

"Yeah?" The group says inquiring what exactly Beth is leading up too.

"Well I did...but I didn't go to the sperm bank..."

"What do you mean?" Maggie asks a little frightful of Beth's decision in the first place.

"What I mean is...well, huh, I asked Daryl to inseminate me because I knew him better than anyone and he willingly agreed. He wasn't really supposed to be apart of Kensi's life, but he loves me and we are figuring things out now. I just thought y'all should know." Everyone is quiet and Beth is nervous to no end.

"Well that explains a lot." Hershel says with a chuckle.

"What?" Beth looks at them confused.

"Beth, how could you not see that Daryl is crazy about you. He picked up Glenn for us and is always helping you out with yer apartment. We all saw this coming and we're really relieved you didn't pick some random guy to get you pregnant." Maggie says happily and boastfully. Beth just looks down at Kensi, feeling very dumb for not being able to see that Daryl felt something for her.

"So are you two like together now?" Glenn asks and Beth kinda shrugs.

"I mean he's been over helping me with Kensi and he's spent a few nights over, but I don't think we're like official." She doesn't know what they are. They've basically went back to how they were, but have more passionate kisses and touches than before and less crude jokes, let alone him acting like an asshole.

"Well, least he's being apart of Kensi's life." Maggie gladly says. Finishing out the day at her dad's Beth drives home, Kensi in the back of the cab facing away from her. Beth wishes that her apartment wasn't so far away from her Dad's, just in case she really needs him.

Walking up the stairs, Kensi in her carrier, Beth sets her down by her door and gets her keys out. Opening the door, she sets Kensi by the couch, until she gets her shoes and coat off and then picks the baby up from her carrier.

"Oh sweet pea! Look at yer bright eyes. So cute and bright, my darlin'."

"Yer so sweet." Coming from the hallway, Daryl comes in an wraps his arms around Beth's waist, minding the baby in her arms. "How was yer day?"

"Good...told them about us." Standing back and gulping, Daryl doesn't know if this is a good thing or is he should high-tail it to Merle's for a while. "Stop...they like knowing it was you. How was yer day? Any new bikes?"

"Nah...Merle called though."

"Yeah? How are they holding up?"

"They're doing better. Said he'd like to come down and see Kens."

"Well, I'd be happy to spend the day with them." Smiling she kisses his cheek and goes to get a bottle from the fridge for Kensi. "You seen beat."

"I feel beat. I had to chase Ozzie when I got home cause he broke his lease. I finally got him and just put him in my apartment."

"Well he needed the exercise apparently. Haha, you apparently did too." Smiling down at the little girl with her fingers in her mouth, Daryl laughs and Kensi looks in his direction.

"No I didn't. Haha, hello baby! Were you at papa's today? Yeah? You see aunt Maggie and uncle Glenn?"

"Haha, we compared her to Aidan and she is so much smaller than he is. And lighter."

"Cuter. Don't forget cuter."

"Haha, I couldn't forget that." Feeding the baby, Beth and Daryl talk about the rest of their day while Kensi feeds. They love being close and can't wait for whatever comes next for them.

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