Chapter 32: Painting

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Chapter 32: Painting

Coming back from his run, Daryl jogs up the stares and finds Beth carrying two cans of paint. Taking them from her by surprise, she gasps and scolds him.

"Seriously! You can't do that to me."

"Why ya pee a lil?"He laughs, but stops when he finds she's staring at him seriously. "Oh...I'm sorry. Well go get changed, I'll bring these in."

Walking into her apartment, Daryl takes the paints to the baby's room and then washes his face of sweat. When Beth comes back out, she's in new pants and has just slipped out of her shoes.

"You shouldn't be carrying heavy things..." Daryl scolds her gently an she just looks at him. Why is he so concerned anyway?

"What was I supposed to do? Use levitation?"

"You should've left them in the truck and I would've brought them in." She wants to keep arguing, but knows he's right about lifting heavy things, though the paint itself wasn't heavy at all.

"I'm sorry."

"Beth, it's fine. I'm not just need to think for the baby." He says it so dearly and with soft eyes that she feels comforted and safe. "And yer not allowed to paint either...its not good for her either."

"It needs to get down though...I only have two months before she comes."

"That's why I'm gonna do it and you'll wait in my apartment until the fumes are all gone. And don't even try to argue with me."


"So do what you need to, gather something to keep you entertained and when you leave I'll start painting. I'll come get you when the air is clear." Smiling, Beth goes back to her room-grabbing books, puzzles, anything to keep herself entertained- and then leaves Daryl to work.

He paints all afternoon and well into the evening. Doing several coats to get the room a vibrant shade of Magenta, Daryl steps back after looking over the whole room and smiles. But his mind quickly redirects to his childish antics and goes to the desk in the living room in search for a black sharpie marker. Finding one he goes back to the baby's room and starts his masterpiece.

Over in Daryl's apartment, Beth and Ozzie snuggle on Daryl's bed watching Bridesmaids. This is most likely her 20th time watching this movie since it came out and is one of her top favorites because of Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig.

This is what she's done all day from 9:30 this morning to now at midnight. She already ate dinner and is now hungry for dessert. Going to Daryl's cupboards, she finds cake mix and other delicious things she could use. Finding it only acceptable the thank Daryl for his hard work, Beth begins making him Death By Chocolate cake. As the cake bakes, Beth starts on her signature chocolate icing and adds orange gnash on top to add a tinge of orange flavor. She finishes decorating it an sets it on the counter where Ozzie can't get it.

Finally laying back in Daryl's bed, Beth starts watching The Heat, but falls asleep shortly. Finishing up the bedroom and taking a step back, Daryl admires his artistic ability and takes a panoramic photo of the room. Leaving he keeps the fans blowing through out the apartment and heads over to tell Beth how it went. Opening his door, he finds it smells delicious and soon finds the cute cake Beth had made him. Going into his room, he's not surprised to see her snuggles up with the big dog on top of his blankets. Shaking his head he grabs the think throw blanket from his recliner and lays it over top over her and soon climbs in bed- curling around her and giving her a kiss on her neck before falling asleep himself.

Waking up the next morning, Beth finds Daryl's arms wrapped around her and his hands on her stomach.

"Mhmm..." Beth groans as she stretches and Daryl snuggles his face close to the crook of her neck.

"Morning..." He sleepily says into her hair.

"Morning..." She starts rolling into her back but she struggles a bit with her growing belly. Keeping his hand on her stomach, Daryl feels the baby kick and smiles still trying to sleep.

"Morning to you too baby girl." Beth smiles and rubs her hand on her stomach. Suddenly she gets up and sprints to the restroom, throwing up again. Sighing, Daryl gets up and does his normal routine of holding her hair until she's done. "Baby girl is not happy with you."

"No she is not...ughhh." She washes her mouth out and he smiles before leaving to go to the kitchen. When she gets out there, he's already sitting down eating some cake. "It's like 8:45...and that is so much sugar."

"But it's sooo good." He says with a mouth full. "Try some..."

"No. That is really not good."

"I disagree."

"I meant for the baby."

"She'll like it...try a little." Scooping some on his fork, he holds it to her mouth and it takes her a while before she finally eats it. Her eyes widen an she moans in delight. "I told ya..."

"Yeah... ya did." She smiles and goes to his cupboards to get some cereal. "Is the room done?"

"Yep...done ask you like and now you can live amongst the walls without harming yerself or the baby." He smiles and bites off another hunk of cake.

"I can't wait...I hope the color looks the way I thought it would..."

"Yeah..." He almost wants to tell her he tweaked a few things, but decides surprised are better, so long it doesn't scare her.

After finishing breakfast Beth is excited to go see the room. Dragging Daryl behind her, they race over to her apartment and he does a drum roll before opening the door.

Her mouth drops in utter surprise.

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