Part Three: In Which Time Fast-forwards

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Part Three: In Which Time Fast-forwards

Two years have passed and still they remained. It seems nothing has changed for Beth and Daryl's relationship, besides the fact that they moved into their house now and their baby is now a two year old who's words are being slowly strung together. The blond hair on her head has begun to curl slightly and her short legs carry her through out the house as she plays with Ozzie, who's twice her size now.

For Beth, she hasn't inferred once to Daryl that they should change their life style- marriage that is. She isn't one to imply that he should ask her or even wish for it. At this rate, they seem to be already married, just without the license, rings, and name changes. She's content with what she has with Daryl, though it's getting harder and harder to resist him.

Their living arrangements are quite odd though simple. They each have their own room across from each other and when the mood hits them, they share a room, but it seems only ever for a night. Yes, a new arrangement seems to have befallen them. With marriage nowhere near the table (as it seems to Beth), she allows Daryl his free will to do what he pleases. Once again their life is as if they never even slept together- he's still overly clean and has a few dates here or there, and she only ever asks him to keep his sex life (if he desires one) away from Kensi. You can say their relationship is sort of open and platonic in a way. It's not entirely what Beth wants, but she couldn't possibly ask for any more from Daryl, not after their big fight two years ago in Merle's house.

With that fight still lingering in her mind, she can't demand Daryl's love and affection like she used too. So for their own lives being only tugged together by their daughter, they each date as they please. Now looking at this from the outside sounds stupid, and it is, but beyond the rituals and ceremonies they so secretly desire, each still harbors their own fear.

"Mommy...icky." Kensi runs up to her mother with her palm outward, showing a slimy yellow substance to Beth.

"Did Daddy slug you again?"

"Yeah..." Kensi says crinkling her little nose up and giggling a bit. It's been her adventure of seeing the outside world as a playground, that often gets Kensi's hands dirty and her mind floating towards a new aspect of things- thanks to Daryl. "Sluggies icky."

"I bet." Beth says as she picks the small girl up and sets her on the counter to while off her hand. Daryl comes in, just as dirty and yellow on his hands and kisses Kensi's head. "Are you putting slugs on her now?"

"She wanted to know what they felt like. It's not my fault her curious mind is so grand." He washes his hands off and then tickles Kensi's sides. "Sweet Pea! little Marie!"

"Daddy!!! NOOO!!!" The girl playfully giggles and squirms as he finds her most ticklish spot, like Beth, on her neck.

"Yer just like yer Mother." He says gayly as he kisses her cheeks.

"Okay, that's enough. Daryl, Hoe the construction guy called. He says he'll be out to work on the garage early tomorrow. Can you be here or do you want me to take off?" Beth says as she puts away the milk and hands the sippy cup to Kensi. Picking her up, Daryl sways from side to side with the baby on his hip.

"I can do it...I know you just enjoy yer male company at work." He says and Kensi gives him a sip of her milk.

"Alright. Then I won't have Maggie pick up Kens."

"Mommy..." Kensi reaches out and Daryl hands her over to Beth.

"Hi baby...Daryl, don't forget that Merle and Carol are coming up for 4th of July either...I know yer a clean freak, but Ozzie is gonna need a bath."

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