Chapter 60: It's a Kensi Thing

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Chapter 60: It's a Kensi Thing

After they picked up Kensi and Ozzie, Daryl drives them to a man made lake for a picnic with the left over food they had. As they watch Kensi hurl a stick two feet and Ozzie bring it back, Beth just smiles with her eye closed as she takes in the sun. You'd think she'd be tired of the outdoors by now, but she isn't. She loves the crisp wind blowing through her hair and across her legs.

"Daddy, swim?" Kensi asks as she runs up with Ozzie to them and pounces onto his chest.

"Ooff. You lil meerkat. You wanna swim?" He kisses the girls cheek and she goes paralyzed in his grasp. "Kens...Kensi...."

As he's about to panic she pops up at him making claws with her tiny hands and saying 'rawr rawr' to him. Beth laughs as she finds Daryl's face in shock from what just happened.

"Was that supposed to be funny? Cause I didn't find it to be." Daryl growls an Beth and Kensi just look at him.

"Daddy ist funny." Kensi giggles and Beth taps his shoulder.

"'s fine. Don't get mad over her game."

"It wasn't funny Beth. I thought something was wrong." He sets Kensi off his lap and stands up.

"Daryl. What's wrong with you?"

"Wrong with me? That wasn't funny Beth! What happens when you think she's pretending and really she's not!" He starts heading to the truck and Beth now remembers about the baby that died when he was watching it. She feels terrible now and standing up, she grabs Kensi's hand and they trudge across the sand and get in the truck. Ozzie is already in the bed of the truck when Daryl pulls away. They drive in silence and soon pull into their driveway. Daryl starts hauling shit from the truck and Ozzie simply goes to the backyard to lay in his doghouse- even he knows Daryl should be avoided right now. Beth takes Kensi inside and starts making lunch. She calls Daryl in to eat, but he doesn't- he just stays in the garage working on his motorcycle.

After putting Kensi down for a nap, Beth grabs the monitor and goes outside to Daryl, who's greasy and laying under his raised cycle. Setting his reheated sandwich on the counter, Beth goes over to him and lays down on another creeper (aboard on wheels for working under mechanical items) and rolls up to his face. He doesn't look at her or say anything. Turning on her side, her small hand rests on his abdomen and she rubs it up and down.

"I'm wasn't funny and I talked to Kensi about it. You can mad at me all you want, but you will eat." She quietly says before leaning over to kiss his cheek and starting to slide out from under the cycle. She gets a lil out when he pulls the too of we creeper back up to him and he kisses her lips Before pushing her creeper out again. She blushes as she gets up- knowing that was his way of saying it's okay, she puts the other creeper back.

"Foods on the counter." Grabbing the monitor, she heads into the house and sits on the couch, watching Dumb and Dumber until she gets up to make dinner.

"Daddy!!!" She hears on the baby monitor and she races upstairs to Kensi's room.

"What's wrong baby?" She says as she picks her up and sits on the rocker chair.

"Owy!" She holds her arm out, which is puffy and red with a bug bite of some sort on it.

"Okay...okay. Let's go." Caring her downstairs, he grabs her keys and rushes out to the truck, her back hurting. "Daryl! I'm taking Kensi to Dr. Fields. She was bit by something."

Rolling out from under the creeper, Daryl shoots up and grabs the girl from her mother and buckles her in the car seat.

"Come on." He says as he opens Beth's door and helps her in. They drive to the back an Beth knows she should have put ice or something on it so it didn't burn so bad. "How you doing baby girl?"

Daryl looks up into the mirror and notices her face is red with panic, but she's not crying.

"Ouchy." She says and Daryl picks up the speed.

"Jesus Christ our Savior! Don't try to kill us!" Beth screams as he rounds the corner and stops in the parking lot. Getting out, he grabs Kensi and ushers her into the empty doctor's office.

"My daughter was bit by some kinda bug. I need help right away, I think she's allergic." Just as he says it, her face starts swelling and she's gasping for air.

The nurse comes running out from behind the window and lays the girl on the ground. Taking an EPI pen, she stabs it into her arm and they wait a few seconds and Kensi gasps for breath as her eyes shoot open and grab Daryl's hand.

When the pen worked, they take her back and draw some blood. As they way for the doctor's diagnosis, Kensi is still holding Daryl's hand and he is right by her side the whole time. Beth just smiles as she sits in the chair watching her two favorite people make faces at each other.

"Sorr-ee, daddy."

"No, baby, it's okay. Hey, yer so strong though. You didn't cry at all."

"Good girl?" She asks and Beth's hormones get the best of her.

"Very good girl." He kisses her forehead and she giggles. Dr. Fields comes in and smiles as he hands Kensi a sucker.

"It was a wasp. She's highly allergic to them, so I'm righting down a prescription for an EPI Pen for you. She can get them whenever, I suggest to have two just so you can leave own at home and one on yer person. Other than that she's a very brave girl."

"What do you say, Kens?"

"Tank coo." she says as Daryl opens her sucker for her. Carrying her out to the car, she has her head on his chest and she twirls the sucker in her mouth.

"You okay?" Daryl asks Beth after putting Kensi in the back and shutting the door, leaving them standing on his side of the car. She starts crying and he just pulls her close, kissing her head to make her feel better. "It's okay, Baby. She's okay."

He leads her to her side after a few minutes of her composing herself then re-composing herself. Driving back home, Daryl holds Beth's hand all the way home and she just tries to think of happy things so she doesn't start crying again.

"Daddy, Aggie's here!" Kensi bounces in her car seat as they see Maggie, Glenn and the kids running around the yard.

"I see. Do you smell wienies roasting?"


"You know what that means?" He looks at Kensi and she is so jittery.

"Papa and Unky!"

"Yep." He parks the truck in front of the garage and lets Kensi out of the truck where she runs and tackles Aiden and Ainsley. Looking over at Beth, she's still up and he unbuckles her, pulling her over to his side. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"She loves you so much....I could be gone and she wouldn't notice..." She starts to cry and Daryl wraps her in his arms and kisses her head.

"Honey that's not true...."

"She called for you, Daryl. She called for her daddy, when she got hurt. Not me. She held yer hand the whole time she was scared and looked at you as if you were the only person she loves....she never once looked at me. She never reached for my hand and called for me...It's like I'm not even alive in her eyes."


"You know it's true, you see it. Whenever she needs something she calls for you. In the night if she's scared she wants you. When we picked her up today, she ran to you to get a hug and a own baby doesn't even love don't even love me..." She cries harder and harder and it's breaking him into smaller and smaller pieces. He has noticed how Kensi will avoid Beth if she can have him instead. How Kensi calls out for him, attacks him with her hugs and kisses, and does everything he does. She's never once asked for Beth to take care of her, or willing hugs Beth. So in a way, it is as if Beth is no one to her. As if Beth isn't even her mother.

"Daddy! Come pay!" Kensi yells from the yard and that breaks Beth up even more.

"Yer being summoned." Beth slides out of Daryl's grasp and exits the truck, going inside to avoid everyone in the backyard.

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