Chapter 62: Bad

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Chapter 62: Bad

She's locked herself in and is laying in her bathtub, water up to her face. If she could just drowned in here, life would be simpler. Daryl could have Kensi. He'd move on, she's sure of it. He'd be happy living with his daughter. That's all she is any more- his daughter. Setting the ring on windowsill by the tub, Beth sinks low in the water. Staring at the ceiling, she wishes she was dead. After a minute, she bursts to the surface gasping for air. She can't do it. She can't kill Carter. Herself, she's fine with, but killing that little boy before he has a chance to really live, isn't possible.

She lays in the tub, loathing her existence. She can't keep a man and she can't keep her own child either. Playing in the water, she just wants to start over, when she was trying to get pregnant and her and Daryl were more of a fling than a couple. It was simpler back then. Simpler in the sense that she was immune to love.

As the moon shines through the window at her, she drains the tub and just lays on the porcelain bottom. The cool air raises her nipples and she closes her legs to mind the draft. If this was her old life, she wouldn't be so upset. Then again she was upset with her old life too, just in a different way.

A knock on her bedroom door pulls her from her cold despair.

"Beth...please let me in. I have dinner for you." Rolling onto her side in the tub, she hears his foot steps soften and fall silent. Suddenly her bathroom door opens. Shit, she forgot about that one. "Beth! Are you okay?"

He rushes in and sits her up in the tub, before picking her up and out. Sitting on the floor, with her in his arms, he checks her over frantically.

"Sweetie, talk to me! Are you alright?" Her eyes are glazed over in pain and suddenly Kensi comes in.

"Mommy?" She rushes over and touches Beth's cheek. "Mommy!"

The small girl starts crying and Daryl grabs a towel from under the sink and wraps it around Beth.

"Beth....please. Let me know you're okay." Kensi is sobbing and grabbing Beth's cold pruney hand and putting it up to her face. Beth wants to speak, move, or do something, but her body is paralyzed. Her stomach hurts and she feels her body burning from the inside out.

"Ow...." That's all she can say and Daryl, hurriedly puts her robe on and carries her to the bedroom. He lays her on the bed and Kensi is just crying her eyes out as she climbs on the bed an goes to Beth. "Owww!"

"What's wrong? Baby?"

" back. Daryl my back..." Getting up, he calls 911 and starts putting some boots on. "Ow!"

"Mommy...." Kensi curls up by Beth's head and cries, holding her hand in her tiny one.

"They're on their way baby...They're coming." He kneels beside the bed and is so worried right now. He needs her to be okay. He can't live without her and he won't. In her own my she calls this karma. She said he didn't want to live and now, maybe god is smiting her for it. "Honey, yer okay. Hey, I love you, baby. It'll be okay."

He kisses Beth's head and Kensi notices this. Daryl goes downstairs to open the door for the EMTs.

"I ove you Mommy. Pease be kay." Kensi kisses Beth's head and tears roll down their cheeks.

"Ow!!!!" Beth cries out and the EMTs bring up a stretcher and they get her on it, while Daryl goes to pick up Kensi.

"I want Mommy!! No!! I want Mommy!" Kensi kicks and screams as Daryl scoops the girls up and follows the stretcher downstairs and he puts Kensi in her carseat. On the way to the hospital, Kensi keeps wailing and crying out for Beth. It pains Daryl that this had to happen for Kensi to understand what Beth is to her. Getting in the hospital, they are told to wait in the waiting room and Kensi is still crying. Taking her away from the people they're bother, he takes her to the gift shop and she starts to calm down.

"Mommy..." Kensi cries as she grabs an elephant from the toy stand. How Kensi knew elephants were Beth's favorite is beyond Daryl.

"You wanna get her that? Make her feel better?"

"Yeah..." The little girls sniffs and hugs the elephant tight.

"How bout Carter? You wanna get him something?"

"No! Only mommy..."

"What about flowers? You think mommy would want some pretty flowers?"


"Okay. Let's pick some out." They go to the flower case and she picks a bouquet of tulips, which are also Beth's favorite. Going to the counter, Kensi spots a little blue dog and points to it.

"Carter." She's still teary eyes and holding the elephant close to her chest. When Daryl hands it to her, she cuddle it close to the elephant and sobs. "Mommy..."

"Let's go check out and see her."

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