Chapter 91: A "Tiny" Issue

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"Oh boy..." Looking at the big dog in the small cab of the truck, Beth realizes there is no room for her to even drive, let alone Kensi to sit. Contemplating Tiny's size, Beth leads him from the truck and opens the bed up. "Up..."

With barely any effort the huge canine gets into the bed of the truck and lays down, still dwarfing the bed, but they have no other option. Shutting the tailgate, Beth ties Tiny to hole in the railing and gets in the truck with Kensi. Taking all back roads home, Beth keeps looking in her rearview mirror to make sure Tiny is still there- and he is, simply lounging in the back with his tongue out and his head resting on the side of the truck bed. Passing a cow farm, the smell of dung gets to Beth quickly. Pulling over, she throws open her door and vomits out the side of the truck. After expelling her bile in the grass, she wipes her mouth and closes her door before driving off down the road. What has gotten into her?

"We're home. Let's go find Papa." Beth warily says as she slides out of her truck after unbuckling Kensi. Going to the back of the truck, she unties the dog and opens the tailgate for him to hop down. "Come on Tiny...."

"Bethy, have you seen my...." Hershel, who has come out of the house in slacks and a button down shirt, freezes upon the sight of the Goliath getting out of the truck. "Wh....what is that?"

"Tiny!" Kensi happily says as she jumps up and down petting the dog.

"We saved him from a shelter today..." Her voice is kind of mousy, but Beth can't help how weak she's felt in these last few weeks.

"Well... He's a very big, big (big) boy." Walking over to the dog, Hershel gapes at the dogs height, his back almost past Hershel's belly button. "Hello, boy."

The dog rubs his face against Hershel's stomach and then turns with a jerk back to the little girl and licks her to the ground. Kensi laughs in delight of the big dog and it calms both Beth's and Hershel's heart seeing the little girl laugh again.

"Have you seen my tie?"

"Which one... And why are you so fancy?" Beth crosses her arms and raises her eyebrow with a slow grin playing on her lips.

"The red one... And if you must know, I have a funeral tonight for an old friend from the military. Jax Fisher passed away from long cancer...I told him all those years ago he shouldn't smoke those damn cigarettes."

"I'm sorry Daddy. I think the red one is in the draw in the downstairs closet. Do you need me to go with you?"

"No, that's alright. You go work on your costumes."

"Speaking if which, will you be Captain Hook?"

"Oh, well I guess so. I'm not wearing tights though. Not at this age."

"Alright....thanks." Avoiding that image, Beth picks up Kensi and tugs on Tiny's leash for them to go inside. After putting their bags in Beth's old room, she sit on the couch downstairs only to have Tiny try and joking her. He dwarfs the couch and lays partly on Beth's lap. Petting the big friendly dog, Beth tries to calm her senses as she closes her eyes and lets the weight of the dog sooth her under his weight. It isn't until she feels unwanted eyes on her and a little 'uh oh', escape Kensi's lips that she opens her eyes to find Daryl holding Kensi in his arms and an angry expression on his face. "Daryl..."

"Beth, what is this?"

"I think you mean who..." His glower grows and Beth just closes her eyes again and pets the dog.

"You got a dog and didn't even tell me or include me?"

"Sadly sounds familiar- doesn't it?" Teddy.

"Okay..." Grumbling, Daryl sets Kensi down after kissing her temple and heads out of the room and outside.

"Daddy mad?"

"Yes, at me though sweetie. Not you." Getting out from under Tiny, Beth heads outside and notices Daryl up at Teddy's grave. Going up beside him, Beth just bows her head and does the sign of the cross when she's done with her prayer. "You can be mad at me all you want, but our daughter needs this. She needs to feel somewhat normal again and it may hurt us having to move on- but she needs to have something stable."

"I'm not mad, Beth."

"Bullshit. I know you are..."

"I'm mad at myself Beth, not you. Mad cause I'm too selfish to see that my little girl needs to move on." Pulling her into his side, Daryl kisses her forehead. "I'm sorry."

"Me too." Leaning against him, she feels that security that has always been there. She hopes she'll always have that and that nothing ever gets in the way.

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