Chapter 68: Smashed

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Chapter 68: Smashed

Daryl sat up with Rick the rest of the night. He's pissed that Rick had no control over his drunkenness, but at the same time he use to do that too. It's just ridiculous that Rick could've killed him. It would've been worse if Kensi was up. She would've been so scared to see her uncle Rick like that. Beth is even kind of shaken up by it all. So sitting on the couch in the back room this morning, Daryl wants to just scream until Rick wakes up with his hangover, but being a good friend, he won't.

"He still breathing?" Beth comes in and hands him a cup of straight black coffee, before sitting on the arm of the couch beside him. Playing with his hair, Beth looks at him sideways am notices the big bruise on his eye and his fat lip from last night.


"You want some foundation so Kensi doesn't see yer bruise?"

"I ain't wearin' make up, girl." He sasses and she raises an eyebrow to him. "I'm sorry. I just don't know what to even do with him, let alone say to Chone."

"Maybe we could jus...ya know work something out."

"Work what out? It ain't like it's really our problem."

"But it is, Daryl. Their our friends and we need to be there for them."

"So what would you have us do?"

"Don't get angry with me, Daryl. I'm just trying to help." She gets up ready to go, when he sets his cup down and grabs her waist, pulling her to his lap. She at first struggles against him, but soon relaxes when she feels him kissing her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Beth. I'm just tired."

"I know. I just feel like we need to help them some how." Kissing her lips, Daryl looks at her and sighs.

"We'll figure something out." Getting up, Beth kisses Daryl before going to wake Kensi up. As Daryl sits on the couch, Rick finally comes too.

"Ow...what happened?" Holding his head, Rick slowly sits up and looks around at his friends back room.

"Let's see, you drive drunk over hear, fell asleep on my couch, woke up everyone in the middle of the night from smashing moonshine jars and you attacked me. That sum it up?" Standing up, Daryl is more than pissed with his friend.

"Shit...I'm sorry Daryl."

"Yeah well, almost killed me last night you bastard."

"Did I happen to tell you what happened?" Rubbing his head, Rick feels like shit, but can't help but deserve it.

"Yeah...and now Beth's got it in her head that we need to help and I don't know how to help you, but tell you to get he boy castrated, like a damn dog."

"Believe me, I thought about it....Why does she wanna help?"

"I don't know, cause yer our friend.Really I don't think we can help you."

"No, you can't...less you take the kid."

"I ain't letting Carl anywhere near Beth or Kensi!"

"I ain't talking about Carl." They let silence fill the room as Daryl thinks about taking the baby. He doesn't want to and it isn't his responsibility. If Beth found out, she's be all over this cause she missed out on Carter.

" It's not a good idea. Michone's gonna..."

"Michone was already thinking about it...well, adoption anyway. And after what happened with...and we're sorry about it, but wouldn't it bring you two closer?" Rick tries to negotiate and Daryl growls. Grabbing Rick by his arm, Daryl leads him out to the garage to privately talk about things. Beth doesn't need to hear any of this.

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