Chapter 51: Terror

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Chapter 51: Terror

"They should be here in a two hours." Grabbing her back pack, Beth kisses Daryl's lips and then Kensi's head.


"Yes Darling?"

"I ove you, Mommy."

"I love you too sweet pea."

As Beth goes to leave, Daryl catches her in the hallway. Pulling her to him, he kisses her lips and holds her close. Laying her head on his chest, Beth leaves a few small kisses there before looking up at him.

"I love you, Beth."

"I love you. Make sure she gets her nap today and keep the monitor on cause if she has another nightmare..."

"Honey, you forget I've been doing this just a long as you, if not more. She's gonna be fine."

"I know..." She fists his shirt and he places another kiss on her head.

"I better get going so I'm not late, but I'll see you after work." He passionately kisses her, which leaves her a little shocked and taken aback because they haven't had this in a very long time.

"Okay, I'll see you later...."


"I gotta go. The Cuteness calls. Love you." He pecks her lips before going back into the kitchen, leaving Beth to head for work.

They play all morning and wait for Joe and his boys to get there to start working on the garage.

"Daddy, truck!" Kensi calls as she raises from the living room to Daryl in the kitchen.

"Okay sweet pea, let me go and say hi. Come on." Scooping her up and onto his shoulders, he walks outside as four men he out of a truck that is pulling a trailer behind it. "Good afternoon, You Joe?"

"Yes sir, these my men. Len, Rutt, and Dan. Who might that pretty young lady be?"

"This is Kensi, my daughter."

Daryl shows them where the garage is beginning to be built and then proceeds to let them work. Going back inside, Daryl lets Kensi down and she runs into the living room.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Payin' wid toys."

"Okay, I gotta go get changed, girl. You stay here okay baby girl."


Heading upstairs, Daryl heads into his room and starts getting changed. His phone goes off and he answers.


"Daryl, it's Abe, I think I got an idea to get the shop back." Sitting down on the bed, Daryl listens intently.

"Whatcha talkin' bout?"

"I mean I have an idea on how to get yer shop back."

"What would that be?"

"Well, if you buy it back we can...."

"No. Just stop. I can't buy it back. I don't have that much money and....hold on, I hear something." Pulling the phone away from his face, he listens closely and the sound he heard before stops. "I have to go, Abe. It's nice seeing that ya care, but I just can't right now."

"Talk to ya later I guess."

"Yeah." Hanging up, Daryl pulls his pants on and laces his shoes, before pulling on his cutoff shirt and vest. Then he hears that noise again.

Going downstairs he looks in the living room and finds Kensi missing.

"Kens! Sweet Pea? Where you at honey?" As he goes through each room, Daryl begins to panic more an more as he looks for his daughter. "Kensi!"

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