Chapter 82: Get Home

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Chapter 82: Get Home

Rushing to Beth, Daryl kneels beside her and tries to calm her tears and softened screams.

"Baby what is it? What's wrong?"

"We...we have...we have to get home." That's all he can muster up without crying even more. Scooping up Beth, he gets her to the bed and looks at the shipping schedule. It was gonna take a day before they got to Nassau and even then the small plane wasn't ideal to get a flight to Florida, but at this point they have no choice. He calms Beth down an eventually she falls asleep from all her commotion. Layong up in bed, he can only imagine what's going on at home. Are the kids hurt? Her dad? Carol? Is it Ainsley or Aidan? There are so many possibilities that it makes his head hurt.

As the sun rises and Daryl still sleepless, he begins packing and rechecking that he has eveerything. Beth soon awakens and is back in panic mode. She grabs her things and is about to leave, when Daryl grabs her arm and pulls her to his aching chest.

"What's happened Beth? Please. I have to know." He looks deep into her still eyes and she closes them in pain. Laying her head against his chest, she can't even form words as to what has happened for she herself doesn't even have the full story.

"The house is gone...Ozzie's dead..."

"The kids Beth? What about our babies?" He shakes her shoulders and she turns her face and tears pop up.

"Someone kidnapped Teddy...they got our little boy, Daryl."


"She got out with Merle and Carol...we have to go." Pulling her tight, he kisses her head and a tear pops up in his eye. How could this happen? What even happened? As they wait for the ship to dock in Nassau, all Beth can do is try to get service to call home, but of course there isn't any service on this ship. When the captain announces that they are docked, Beth and Daryl race from the ship, luggage in hand, and find the nearest air strip. Getting to the flight counter, the stewerdess, looks at them with surprise.

"We need a plan back to the US as soon as possible." Daryl kindly, but with haste asks the woman.

"All commercial flights are gone right now, but you might be able to to find a private flyer in the air field." They say thank you and sprint out to the airfield where the only plane around is a small little thing that looks like it can only hold two people at the max.

"Excuse me, Sir. We are in desperate need of a flight to Florida or the closes US State."

"Hope only one of ya needs ta go. I gots only room for one." The Bahamian man says with a sorry smile. Turning to Beth, Daryl sets his stuff down and looks her deep in the eye.

"One of us has to go and the other can catch the next flight. You need to go, baby."

"I don't wanna go without you, Daryl."

"Baby we don't gotta choice. You have to go. For our kids. I love you and I'll be there as soon as I can." She forces her lips against his and he helps her into the plane with her bag. Standing a few feet away, the man drives off towards the sky with Beth. Leaving Daryl behind to worry and wonder what's gonna happen next.

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