Chapter 112: Breakin'

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It took Daryl a few days to find a new apartment in Atlanta for him and Isaac to stay in- when he finally had, Beth was courteous enough to drop Isaac off to him, but made little effort to get close to him. She was still, is still, shaken by his forceful grasp. He even left his mark on her wrists- two bruises still grip her tiny wrists. It was hard leaving Isaac there, not that Daryl would harm him, but he is her baby and Daryl could possibly grab Osaac like he grabbed her.

So after two weeks of being in this apartment, Daryl still doesn't feel at home- his wallet surely feels more empty than before, now that he has to pay, morgage, child support, and for the apartment he is renting. If he thought money was tight before, now it was like a choke collar around his neck, but he's managing. He and Isaac are becoming closer, but Daryl still is noticing his aggressive behavior. For instance, when Daryl told him to take a nap the one day after watching Diego, Isaac started punching him in the leg- not too hard, but the repetative motion caused bruising around Daryl's knee and uper thigh.


Picking up his phone, Daryl takes a breath before speaking.

"Dixon-Ford Cycles, this is Daryl how may I help you?" He says through his cell.

"Daryl, it's Beth..." Her voice makes his eye brows raise slightly and concern fills her voice.

" everything okay?"

"Yeah- I just wanted you to know that I sceduled an appointment with a child neurologist for tomorrow at noon. If you could bring Isaac that'd be great." She says without any inflection in her voice.

"I can't. You know I have the shop from 11:30 to 4:00. I can't just leave." He frustratedly doodles on his calander and hears Beth sigh.

"Daryl, this is our son we're talking about. What's more important to you! Your son who needs help or your fucking store?!" She yells at him and all he can do is growl at her.

"He. Is more important- but you forget I am the ONLY one working to support five people and a dog! I have to work or you won't have a house or food!" Silence falls between the two phones and Daryl just pinches the bridge of his nose as he realizes how big of an assole he sounds like right now. "I'm trying my hardest, Beth."

His voice is weak and shallow, but it doesn't matter.

"I'll try to get Abe to work double...I'll bring him." He caves and she tries so hard to remember the days where this conversation wouldn't have to be held- he would have agreed to the appointment without a second thought because she and his kids meant more to him than any dumb motocycle shop.

"The appointment is on 8th and Anderson Drive. Dr. Bill Davis' office." She says before hanging up. Setting the phone down, her hands shake terribly and all she can do is try and wrap her arms around herself to calm down.

"Mommy, was that Daddy?" Kensi asks curiously.

"Yeah. He says hi and he loves you." She lies to the child. If Kensi knew just how mean Daryl sounds, she knows the small girl would lose her respect for her favorite person in the world. She can't take that away from her.

Sitting back in his kitchen chair, Daryl sighs as he lays his head on the table. The more he tries to do good for his family, the more he pushes them (Beth) away. But what is the point anyway? He lost it- the passion for her. He wants to feel in love with her again, but he just can't. And he doesn't know why. Why must he force himself to look at her the way he used too? How can he ever feel so deeply in love with her as before? Is it all his fault?

Looking back on it all- before the kids- she was just his neighbor who he treated like an asshole- but they were best friends. It wasn't forced, it wasn't planned, but they were just so close naturally. Then with Beth's baby areangement- all he wanted was sex from her- just a taste of forbidden fruit.

Forbidden Fruit! That's it! I was never meant to have Beth or Lensi or the boys. Just one fuck and that was all. I ruined it! That's why we lost Carter and Teddy. That's the reason for the twins hating each other and all the other bad things that happened.

Think about it. If Daryl stuck yo the plan and drifted from Beth, she and Dawn would have never hated each other. Then Len the crazy child rapist wouldn't have tried to hurt Kensi and he and Dawn would never have killed Teddy or burnt the house down killing Ozzie. Beth amd Daryl wouldn't have gotten married cause of the arrangement meaning they would never have went on a honeymoon and become pregnant with the twins- which lead to Beth almost dying from the embiotic fluid getting in her systen which also means that the stress that was brought upon thw boys during the labor wouldn't have made them have this neurological problem!

I really did mess everything up. I never should have been with Beth or married her.... But then again, I couldn't wish to change everything because then I wouldn't have my kids.

****Butterfly Effect*****

Dun dun duhhhhhhhn!

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