Chapter 28: Kicking and Screaming

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Chapter 28: Kicking and Screaming

It took them about a two weeks for them to stop feuding over the damn pictures. Beth was really just irritated that he was able to call her out on her shit; Daryl, for getting caught. Getting back from her doctor's appointment Beth is more than excited. The passed few weeks she has been cleaning out her spare room and buying baby stuff in secret. Now that she's almost out of her first trimester, she feels anxious and excited and a bit nervous all at the same time.

Putting down her recent bags in the baby's room she has a few more on the table when Daryl walks in.

"What's all the shit in the back of yer truck?"

"Baby things."


"I found out the sex today!" She squeaks and he raises his eyebrows, a bit nervous and a bit curious a to what his baby is going to be. Her baby- he corrects himself again.

"Yeah?" He sits on the couch and she sits next to him.

"You wanna know what I'm having?" Does he ever. He wants to know what he'll be dealing with when he comes over. But most of all what he'll be missing out on.

"If you wanna tell me."

"Close yer eyes." She says and he does. Hearing her sprint across the flat she grabs his hands and places something fuzzy in them.

"Yer having a fluffy thing?"

"Open yer eyes ding dong." She laughs and he does. Looking down he finds a pink fuzzy bear in his hands. "Ta Da!"

"A girl...yer having a girl?" He says a little shocked and excited inside- nervous also.

"Yeah!" She squeaks and hugs him so tight around his neck. Dropping the bear he holds her close and can feel his chest expanding from being so Locke up tight in his feelings. "I'm having a girl!"

"Yey! Yey for you..." He really does try to sound happy, but he can't. His heart hurts. He wants to have a little girl. He wants to take care of her and Beth.

"Yer not happy?" She pulls back and looks at him with hurt eyes and a frown.

"I'm happy for you...really I am..."

"You don't seem it." Standing up, she doesn't know if these are her hormones getting her upset or if she's just really irritated with his attitude. Sitting forward on the couch, Daryl goes to grab her hips, but she smacks his hands. "Don't touch me..."

"Beth..." He pulls her a little closer and she's still fighting him. He notices the tears forming in her eyes and she keeps smacking his hands, but soon enough he's close enough to hold her around her legs and lay his head on her growing belly. "I am excited....I'm really happy for you. Truly."

She starts to relax and wipes her tears away. He snuggles her close and she just stoops in her stance.

"I think yer hormones are getting the best of you..."

"Screw you..." She bites and he laughs. Suddenly something happens and it takes them both by surprise. Pulling his face away, he looks at Beth and she seems just as concerned as him.

"What was that? What did you eat? Jumping beans?" He jokes and Beth thinks a bit.

"I think...I think the baby just kicked."


"Yeah...I never felt it before." She smiles and he pulls her to the couch and lays his hands on her stomach. They wait and it happens again. Smiling happily at Daryl, Beth feels her own stomach and watches as Daryl moves his hands around. "O my gosh...She baby moves."

"That's, I just...huh..." He lays down beside her on the couch and keeps his one hand on her stomach as the other one props his head up since Beth has the only pillow on this side.

"I can't believe this...ahh...I really can't believe this is really happening." She looks up at him and he gleams down at her. Soon her smile starts to fade and she bites her bottom lip. He watches her lips and can't help but lean forward. As he's about to make his move the fire alarm goes off and the water sprinklers in her apartment start spraying all over and they evacuate the building.

After firefighters come out of the building, they announce it was only an alarm being accidentally set off by a child and that they can go in. Standing on the sidewalk, Beth looks up at Daryl and he shakes of the water like a dog.

"Really? Should call you Mobis."

"Call me Moby Dick..." He goes to finish his sentence but notices a small Asian family next to them so he stops himself.

Walking in her apartment, she's surprised the water didn't hurt any of her electronics. Drying off her floors and other surfaces, she thinks about what was happening on the couch before they got evacuated. Was he going to kiss her? He must have been going too. Why else would he have looked at her lips and then lean forward? But then again, Daryl isn't the intimate type.

After hours of drying off their apartments, Beth opens her door and starts on their hallway. Soon enough, Daryl joins and they get it all squared away while their landlord puts up dryers along the stair case. Taking her wet rags to her dryer, she throws the load in and finds her pants and shirt are just as wet. Taking them off she tosses them in the dryer also and feels cold wet hands come around her body.

Pressing up against her, Daryl is just in his wet jeans and boots. His hands come up her front and feel her breasts that are tender and swollen. Moving her wet hair to one side of her face, he kisses her neck and nips at her ear lobes. Soon his hands go back down her front and pull on her inner thighs. Arching her back, with her head still on his chest, Beth moans a bit and feels wonderful under his touch.

Turning around in his arms, Beth starts kissing his chest and let's her lustful want take over. Reaching down, she undoes his pants and he holds her ass. When she gets them down, he turns her around and bends her over the cold washing machine as the drier rambles along with the towels. Standing behind her, Daryl lines himself up and gently pushes in her sex. Shoving deeper and deeper in her, Daryl thrusts harder and harder into her and she moans, but they get lost in the rumble of the drier.

Soon they can't take it and they explode around each other. Shaking and shivering not only the cold surface of the washer, but also the surprise attack Daryl pulled, Beth stands up and she feels weak. As the drier goes off, Daryl pulls out a warm blanket and wraps it around Beth, before pulling the others out and putting them in a basket and pushing his boots and pants in.

Picking up a shaking Beth, he carries her to her freshly made bed and lays her down. Tucking her in he's about to tell her he loves her, but can't bring himself to do it. She too would love to tell him how she feels, but she knows he's only having sex with her cause she opened that door of opportunity. He's not in to her and for the most part, se guesses she must be fine with that.

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