Chapter 3: Morning Sex is NOT for Lovers

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Chapter 3: Morning Sex is NOT for Lovers

Getting up, Beth rushes to the bathroom and takes a shower. She's nervous and doesn't know what to expect. She's heard ladies leaving Daryl's apartment at times muttering to themselves about how they'd pay for sex with him if they could get more than one night with him. Daryl usually only beds a woman once and that's it. At the most he will sleep with them thrice, but no more than that.

Beth lotions her whole body and dries her hair. Pulling on a robe she stays naked, but is very self conscious about Daryl seeing her naked. She wonders as she waits for him if she should try to look sexy for him to arouse him. It wouldn't be a bad idea, but would it be a pain?

Her door receives a knock and then opens. It's obviously Daryl cause he's the only person who ever just comes in after one knock. As he comes in, he seems tired, but present. She stands up and hands him some coffee. He takes it black and sips it cautiously as they sit on the couch.

"Morning..." She says a bit nervous and he can sense that.

"Loose the robe." He blankly says as he scratches his goatee and sips more coffee.

"Oh...yer ready...okay. Umm...okay." She starts to fiddle with the knot in her robe belt and he places his hand on hers.

"Not to start... I'm not even awake myself. But you need to get comfortable with me, so loose the robe."

"Yer joking right?"

"Do you want a baby?"


"Then loose the robe and stop being nervous. It's just gonna be sex." He explains and she takes her robe off and immediately feels awkward. "There...
nice to see you shave. That'll gain you brownie points."

"Yer very blunt. Are you like this with all women...or just me?"

"All. Yer not that special."

"I disagree." He gives her a raised eyebrow and she elaborates. "Would you do this for any other woman? That's what I thought."

"Whatever. Scoot closer." She sits a bit closer, but he groans and pulls her naked body to his side and takes off his shirt and then slides off his sweatpants. "You need to chill, Spaz. Naked is naked."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize...yer gonna be doing things wrong all will I. It's just how sex works. Now, let's talk about touches."


"Yeah, like how do you like to be touched, where? Rough? Soft? How do you like to be pleasured?" She gulps and pushes her hair behind her ear. "Dear God, if you can't even talk to me about it, how the fuck are we gonna do this?"

Standing up, she fears he's leaving, but he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. He carries he to her bedroom and tosses her on the bed. She looks up at him with wide eyes and she feels embarrassed.

"Alright. Now stand up and let's do this again." He takes her hand and stands her up. "I'm gonna touch you now and we're gonna see what you like and don't like. Vocalize what you find pleasurable and what turns you off."

"Okay..." She meekly says and his hands start on her breasts. She shivers beneath his touch and she feels so vulnerable.

"Not bad..." His hands move down a bit to around her ribs and he uses his thumbs to feel them. He touches one of her bruises from Gareth and she winces a bit. "That hurt?"

"No...not really." His calloused hands move to her hips and he pushes back and forth, testing her stability. Soon his hands move to her ass and he squeezes her cheeks, brings her a bit closer to him. Her hands press on his pecs and she tries not to fall into his body. When he's done with her ass he moves back to his hips and then looks at her.

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