Chapter 2: The Plan

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Chapter 2: The Plan

Opening her apartment door, she isn't surprised to find Daryl sitting on her couch with Carl, a neighbor boy of about 17 and son of a cop, watching The Three Stooges. Daryl looks up at her as she stands behind him on the couch and he smiles, handing her a Mike's Hard Lemonade and then going back to watching the tv, as if the drink makes up for him using her apartment.

"How was work?"

"Long. Lot of gross old men...did you clean up my kitchen?"

"And living room." Carl calls as the guys laugh at Moe hitting Curly in the face with the iron.

"Was a mess...disgusting. Had to take care of it. They say girls are clean, but I call bullshit on that one." Daryl may be an asshole, a sex freak, and kind of a douche, but he is more so a clean freak. The first time Beth went to his apartment, she expected sex stuff and junk to be scattered all over the place, but when she opened the door to return a wrench she borrowed, she found the place immaculate. It shocked her because here is Daryl, always greased up from the shop, tattered jeans, holey t-shirts, but a super clean and organized apartment.

"Well...thank you...I guess. By the way, is this my Mike's or did you buy it?" Looking back at her and then the tv, Daryl shrugs and sips his Mike's he's been nursing for a while.

"Yers...I only had scotch and vodka at me place...that's for the ladies...I'll buy ya another case."

"Unbelievable." She curses to herself as she heads into the bedroom to change. "I notice you also cleaned my bedroom...the FUCK!"

She comes charging out and stands in front of the tv as a good slaps about the take place between the stooges. The guys holler and point to the tv and Beth points to the bedroom.

"You went through my underwear!"

"I didn't go through it...I did laundry and put it away. You know I can't stand things out of place...." She cuts him off.

"Of all the things you do, Daryl Dixon! Of all the little things I put up with, I will not. Will NOT! Have you going through my personals." He turns flush, but then looks at Carl.

"I'd say the vibrator in yer sock drawer is more personal than yer panties." He nonchalantly says and Carl starts to snicker.

"Get out." She points to the door.

"Haha, what? Who keeps it in their sock drawer across the room? It should be by yer bed." She leans down and starts slapping him and Carl laughs as he gets up while Daryl tries to fend her off but is still laughing.

"Asshole! You fucking asshole!"

"I'll see ya later Daryl...try not to let her by the knifes."

"Bye Carl...ow...say hi to yer Dad for me."

The door closes and she's still at it, but eventually she gets tired and stops. Plopping down on the couch beside him, he just laughs and looks at her.

"Haha, yer like the Tasmanian Devil only you can't fight for shit." He clicks off the tv and sips his Mike's.

"Yer a douche bag you know that! Who stays in someone else's apartment all day, cleans, goes through their drawers doing laundry, drinks their alcohol, and watches tv until they get home!"

"Never had a problem with this before."

"Cause you never went through my underwear and bedroom!" She glowers at him and he smiles. "Why aren't you in yer apartment anyway?"

"Cause I'm fumigating..."

"Fumigating what? You don't have pests, the whole place is like a bottle of hand sanitizer."

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