Chapter 43: Parents

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Chapter 43: Parents

Sitting in Daryl's truck, Kensi in Beth's lap and looking over the fields of grain, they all watch as people construct a a few houses. They originally took a drive to get some fresh county air, but ending up in a small town and finding some houses being built seems better than the silence.

Daryl wants to own a house. He wants Kensi to have a backyard to play with Ozzie in. He wants privacy and room an not to mention to make Beth happy. Bouncing the 5 month old child in their lap, the October blows through Beth's opened window and brushes her hair across her face.

After their watch stops, Daryl starts the truck up and they mosey on down the road. Beth smiles as she sees Daryl's eyes shimmer on the road. She loves how great Daryl is with Kensi and how much he loves her. Stopping at a diner, they get out and sit in a corner booth with Beth in her carrier in Beth's bench.

"What'll it be?" A woman with grey hair and blue eyes greets the three with a smile. "Oh how precious."

"Thank you...we're gonna need a few minutes please."

"Can I start you off with coffee or a drink?"

"Yes please, I'll have tea." Beth smiles and the waitress writes it down and looks to Daryl.

"Can I get some coffee, black please." Daryl smiles at Kensi, who is playing with Beth's coat sleeve that Beth took off and placed on the bench between them.

"Of course. I'll be right back with yer drinks." Daryl smiles as the waitress leaves and Kensi starts garbling and cooing.

"Are you so happy?" Beth asks as she rubs the girls small blonde haired head. "My baby girl, yer so beautiful!"

"She looks more and more like you everyday." Daryl says as his folded hands play with his fingers.

"She has yer eyes. Haha and attitude."

"Yeah we're sassy. Ain't that right Kens?" The waitress comes back and sets their drinks in front of them.

"Do you need more time or have you decided?" He sweetly asks and Daryl nods.

"I'd like yer bacon cheddar burger an a size of cheese fries please."

"Alright. You miss?"

"Oh, can I have yer chicken salad and double baked potato?"

"And will there be anything for yer cutie pie?" She looks at Kensi and Beth smiles.

"No, she's not on solids yet."

"Okay. I'll be right out with yer lunch."

"She is so adorable. Look at her playing with my sleeve. Huh...she's so perfect."

As they eat their lunch, Daryl can't stop watching Beth and how beautiful she is. She captivates him and makes him love her even more with every passing moment.

"Will there be any desert?"

"No thank you."

They pay for dinner and head out for home. On the way back, Beth thinks about how beautiful this place is. Small country town, open space, and privacy above all.

"I'd like to live out here someday." She lets her thoughts escape her mouth and Daryl smiles at her. "Like maybe not in this exact town, but out in the country where Kensi can grow up in a safe environment, where she can be outside by herself and play outside with Ozzie...ya know."

"I was thinking the same thing, love. Kinda why I brought us out here. To scope..."

"Yer sneaky Daryl Dixon. Truly sneaky."

"True, but honest."

"Very true. I do love it out here."

Turning down a wooded dirt path, Beth looks through the wooded area and notices a small ope into a big meadow where upon its back sits a beautiful blue house and gardens amongst it's sides foundation.

"This is beautiful." Beth says as Daryl parks the truck.

"You wanna look inside?"

"Really? How?"

"I can't reveal my secrets. Come on." Getting out, they walk up to the porch and Beth feels her heart jump. Taking a key out of his vest pocket, Daryl opens the door and they walk inside. The wood floors are shiny and waxed. A quant living room sits of to the right while a family room connected to the dinning room is off to the left. First in the entrance to the home is the stair case leading up to four bedrooms a bathroom and a master-bath in the master bedroom. At the back of the house on the first floor is the kitchen and a door leading down to the basement. Going out the back closed in porch, Beth and Daryl walk down the three steps to an large open yard. Walking across the long to a large oak tree is a wooden swing. Sitting down cautiously with Kensi on her lap.

"This is perfect." She quietly says as she gently swings back and forth. Kensi smiles and looks up at Beth laughing gayly. Coming to the front of her swing, Daryl puts his hands on the chains and kisses her as she comes back to him.

"You really like this house?"


"You want this house?"

"I couldn't afford this Daryl..."

"No...but we can. I put down on it...I don't know if we have it jut yet, but it's in the process of becoming ours." Her eyes shimmer and her smile grows wider. "I knew you were getting tired of that apartment and the city is no place to raise a I started looking for something that's in between work and yer dad's. I thought you'd like this one the best, so I put up for it."

"Daryl, I...I don't know what to say...this place is amazing... I love you." Kissing her on the lips and then Kensi, he looks down at them both and smiles longingly.

"I'd do anything for my girls. I love you both very much." Standing up, Beth hugs him while minding Kensi in her arms .

"I don't know what to say." He can't stop smiling and blushing from the gesture, let alone how Daryl makes her feel.

"You don't have to say anything. I got you, babe." Kissing her one last time and then taking Kensi, they walk back through the autumn air and through the house. Locking it up they get back in the truck and leave.

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