Chapter 87: Cruel

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They knew when they saw Rick's face that something wasn't right. The way his frown wasn't even a frown any more but a thin line merely drooped at the edges- his hat in his hands and eyes casted downward- that bad news was upon them. Beth didn't have to be told that her son was dead for her to drop to her knees in the middle of the hospital waiting room. Daryl never had to open his eyes to see that everyone they loved was already crying. And Kylie didn't need anything explained because she knew Teddy wasn't going to be around any more. They're hearts sank, their spirits died, and their life seemed to drain from them. Identifying the body was the hardest part for them. Having to go into a cold morgue and see their tiny baby boy sleeping. But he wasn't sleeping- he was gone.  Beth cried the whole way home- not even asking God why or to bring him back- just crying because there was nothing left for her to do. When they got to their home around 3 :00 in the morning, Kensi was already asleep in Beth's old room, while Daryl held Beth in the spare bedroom. Oh the pain that coursed through the house. Oh the hardship they have endured for the past five days.

She stayed up all night- unable to sleep and staring at the wall. All Beth could think about was how terrible she felt having not seen him since the wedding. The ache in her stomach bubbled and turned like a cement mixer. She couldn't even blame herself at this point, because at the end of the day- no one could be blamed but Len and Dawn.

"Beth, you up?" Daryl asks as he steps in the room. He spent the night with Kensi because she was so upset. Granted, he should have been with his wife, but she insisted that he be with their daughter, since she was incapable right now and Kensi needed someone stable. Though Daryl is also a wreck, he just hides it better. When he notices that her eyes are blood shot and gaze unmoving, he slowly walks over and kneels by her face. Placing a hand on her cheek, he kisses her lips and soon crawls in bed behind her. "Kensi and Hershel are making pancakes for you."

"I'm not really hungry, Daryl." Her voice is monotone and stinging. He understands how bad she feels and believes she should grieve, but right now her daughter needs her. He kisses the back of her neck gently, but not intrusively 'fore he doesn't want to upset her at all.

"Okay, Honey...Beth..."

"Daryl, can I just be alone for a while. Tell Kensi I'm not feeling well...please."

"Don't get angry with me, but...well, yer not feeling, ya know, like you wanna do anything bad?" Turning in his arms, she seems angry, and then bursts into tears. Pulling her tighter to his chest, he shushes her tears and kisses her cheeks. "I got you... I got you sweetheart."

"I just want to kill them...I want to kill them for hurting my baby and taking him away from me. Daryl...our baby boy's gone! He's gone and cause of them...I hate them...I. Hate. Them..." She sobs and sobs into his chest and he just holds her as tight as he can, hoping it will get rid of her pain.

"I know. I do too. Honey, please. Please promise me you won't hurt yourself. I couldn't bare it. Please. Promise me." He kisses her neck and she nods.

"I promise, Daryl...I promise." A knock on the door pulls them slowly back to the present and Hershel and Kensi stand quietly in the doorway.

"Mommy?" Her eyes water and she rushes onto the bed with them, and Hershel just leaves with the tray of food to give them space.

"I got you baby. I got you...."

They stay like that all day, never really moving and never really speaking. It's as if their worlds just stopped and will never start again. It's late at night when Beth opens her eyes to Daryl looking at her. She gives him a small smile and he kisses her lips- Kensi lays in between them and soon stirs.


"Yes Sweet Pea?" She croaks from her sore throat.

"I'm hungy."

"Okay honey. Let's go get you some food." They get up out of bed and Beth clutches her against her chest all the way to the kitchen. When they get there, they quietly cook grilled cheese sandwiches, but they're not the only ones up in the quiet house- Merle and Carol, Hershel, and Maggie and Glenn all come out of the wood work slowly and sit at the dining room table, feasting on sandwiches and listening to Hershel's prayer for Teddy. They all cry, and laugh as they share stories, but go to bed in silent remembrance of the tiny boy.

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