Chapter 78: Heaven

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Chapter 78: Heaven

A stirring beneath the body had awakened her late in the day. Looking around, Kensi and Teddy are gone and her body is stiff from being wrapped around his. Yawning with her eyes pinched shut and slightly crusty from her tears, she wipes them with the fisted form of her hand and screams in terror when to her open eyes she sees brilliant blue ones on her.

She nearly falls from the bed, but is supported by a heavy muscled arm and brought back to his side.

"Yer alive!" She throws more of herself into him and he groans in pain, but holds her anyway. tears spring up in her eyes and Daryl just wipes them away.

"You called me a son of a bitch and an asshole...." He groans as he readjusts himself on the bed to give her more room. "Fsss, oww."

"Sorry." She gets off of his chest and props herself up on the bed with her elbow.

"Don't cry baby. I'm not going then, why do you look like you were in fight club with Brad Pitt?" She blushes madly and leans her forehead into his shoulder, before sighing and sitting back up with a moan.

"Dawn was here...I didn't even do anything and she attacked me. Took three guards to get her off."

"Fuck..." He start to sit up, in pain, and she gently calms him back to the elevated mattress.

"It's okay...I'm fine really."

"No one hurts you, Beth." Growling, she loves the passion in him. His firery eyes burn out when he notices her sad face turn pale. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"I almost lost you."

"But I'm here now. It's okay. I wasn't gonna leave you. Not til you want me to go."

"Never. I never want you to go." He kisses her temple slowly and then her lips with a peck. Looking around, Beth realizes the kids are gone and sits up quickly. "Shit...where's Kensi and Teddy?"

"Calm down spaz. Haha, fsss, Merle and Carol has 'em."

"Wait, how long were you up?"

"I woke up when Merle got here. I saw you were sleeping, so I took a nap too. Almost dying makes you tired, believe it or not."

"You should've woke me up."

"No. I needed you to rest. You probably didn't sleep last night." He knows her too well. Holding her closely he can feel her stop shaking and finally relax.

The door opens up and in comes Kensi followed by Merle and Carol holding Teddy. Beth smiles when she sees Kensi smiling widely. She runs up the the bed and Merle helps her up.


"Hey Sweet Pea! Fsss...careful, I'm still tender honey bee." He holds her close and kisses her forehead. Teddy waves his arms and starts gurgles. "Hey look so happy."

"How's it going brudder?"

"So much better now, Merle. so much better now." He kisses his girls heads and just smiles widely as he takes in the loves of his life.

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