Chapter 104: Isaac and Robert

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After he dropped Madame L'Vie off at her home, Daryl drove to Maggie's and crashed on her couch. As he closes his eyes, he's ready to sleep when the sound of tiny feet puttering across the wooden floor catches his attention. Turning his head with a small smile on his face, he finda Kensi Marie in her pjs half asleep looking at him. She rubs her eye and then stands still.

"Marie, what are you doing out of bed? You should be sleeping."

"I heard you come in...where's mommy?" Walking over to her father, the small girl yawns and crawls up onto his chest and lays down.

"Mommy had the babies today, sweet pea. Two handsome little boys."

"I thought we have one baby?"

"So did I, but the Stork suprised us I guess." Kissing her forehead, he pulls the blanket over them and cuddles her close. "We'll go see Mommy in the morning. Okay?"


Waking up the next day, Daryl finds Kensi gone and movement in the kitchen. Stretching, he scratches the back of his head and goes to the kitchen to see what's going on.

"Morning Father of Three now!" Glenn and Maggie say in unison.

"How'd ya'll find out so quickly?"

"Beth called this morning. She was looking for you." Maggie informs him and panic sets in. "Calm down- she was just calling to see if you could bring a change of clothes for 'er. She can borrow some of mine."

"Wait...they're not releasing her are they?"

"No, she just wants out of that hospital gown- those things are itchy." Handing him a cup of coffee, Maggie returns back to the stove to flip her pancakes. "How's it feel knowing you'll get no sleep again?"

"Don't remind me...did, did she tell you about what happened?" He takes a sip of coffee and then makes sure Kensi, Ainsley and Aiden are out of ear shot.

"No- jus that you had the twins at some old lady's house." Glenn adjusts himself in his seat amd looks curiously at Daryl.

"Beth...died last night and saw Carter, Sophia, Teddy, and Ozzie. She heard from God that I said it was okay to let go if she was suffering."

"Wait- back up. My sister died!?"

"Yeah...she had a very rare thing happen- Ambiotic Fluid Embolism...she didn't tell you this?"

"No! If I would've known I would've been right over there..."

"Maggie, I know. Yer as shocked as I was. I waited all night in that hospital and got the news directly- when I talked to her, she acted as though it was nothing. I'm just as worried as you."

"Maybe you shouldn't be..." Both Maggie and Daryl whip their gaze in Glenn's direction and he feels like he has a target on his head. "I'm just saying...maybe she's not concerned cause she's alive and with us. Maybe she wants you two to feel the same. Beth doesn't linger on things that are done and over with. She's moved on and maybe you two should also...just a thought."

"All I know is that I have three amazing children and two of them are going to need a lot of care. They're so tiny and little- they basically fit in my palm."

"Well, she was early... Kensi was early-ish too- wasn't she?" Maggie asks and Daryl thinks back to the day he got the scary drastic message from Beth at his work.

"I think by a month- I believe she was on time- I honestly can't remember any more. I'm just so tired and so ready to see my wife and boys." Daryl bites into a pancake and then stands up leaving.

After getting Kensi ready and grabbing Beth some of Maggie's clothes- they head into the hospital and up to Beth's room. Kensi's face immediately brightens as she sees Beth's smiling face and open arms. Handing her off, Daryl kisses Beth's forehead before sitting in the armchair.

"Mommy! Miss you!!!" Kensi hugs her mother dearly and gives her a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Oh baby girl, I've missed you too. Did you like spending the week with Aunt Mags?"


"Brought you some of Maggie's clothes. She said bring 'em back when yer done with 'em."

"Thank, did you think of any names?"

"Yeah...I was think Issac Charles after Madame L'Vie's husband and Robert Joseph after yer Dad." Beth contemplates the names and after a few minutes she smiles and looks at Kensi.

"What do you think Sweet Pea? Issac and RJ?"

"Yeah! Where my babies?" Both parents smile at the girl's enthusiasm and Kensi just looks around from the bed for her brothers.

"The boys have to rest in the NICU. They are very tiny and need to get stronger before we can see them. Okay? So we'll just need to be patient."


"Haha yes. Patient. It means to wait nicely. Can you be patient?"

"Yes Mommy."


The Baby Arrangementजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें