Chapter 97: Her Heart

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Sitting up in bed, Beth must've slept through the night. The hospital bed all warm and the smell of hot coffee cascading through her nostrils brings her eyes wide open. Much to her surprise sitting in a wheelchair, gazing out the widow at the snow covered street, Daryl and Kensi silently giggle as Beth stretches awake.

"Good morning, Sweetheart." His voice is slightly scratchy and his face all bruised over as his right arm is in a wrist cast and his left- in a full sling an wrap.

"Daryl! What are you doing here? Why are you out of bed?"

"Sweetie, you've been sleeping for a few days now... What happened?" There it is- worry.

"A few...few days? No...we came here last night, Kens and I. Carol and Merle were here too..."

"Baby, I'm telling you. You've been asleep for three or four days. Carol and Merle dropped Kens off this morning to me. They said you had an accident with a nurse?" He rolls closer and Kensi climbs up into the bed to lay with Beth.

"There were these two boys and the nurse rudely told them that their mother died- I was frustrated with his service so I told him how shitty he was at his job and he shoved me to the ground..." Daryl's eyes widen and dart to her stomach, along with a gentle hand. "I'm okay...honestly. We're okay."

Her hand rests in Daryl's hand and soon moves to his cheek.

"So what happened?"

"Those two boys who lost their mother? Their mother was Jessie Anderson. She worked with me and her husband was abusive- terribly abusive. I was going o bring her and the boys back to her Dad's place but when I went back for her, her husband was beating her up and..."

"And yet the prince who saves everyone." Her smile is small but full o love and appreciation. "My hero..."

Daryl's face droops as he releases once more that Jessie didn't make it. He was a nice woman and friend. She deserved better than that way of death. Now what? Her boys are parentless.

"Daryl... You did all you could."

"It wasn't good enough. I never should have left her."

"Daryl, you can't blame yerself. How were you to know? What's important is you saved her children. You saved those two boy's lives. Because of you they get to grow up and become better men than their father." Laying his head on the bed Daryl just cries. His father was like Pete, abusive, a drunk, and every other shitty thing in the world. Daryl and Merle were Sam and Ron, the only thing is- they didn't have some hero rescuing them. They fell into hard times, drugs, poor self esteem, terrible vices like having sex with every available woman and distancing themselves from people who care about them- Merle and Daryl never had a hero, they survived by themselves.

"It's's okay... I got you. I got you." She scotches down in her bed and holds hein tightly, kissing his head as she feels Kensi constrict around her waist.

"Knock knock..." Merle's voice echoes through the archway and soon Carol and the boys along with Merle enter the room. "Oh fer Pete's Sake, what's the matter with you now?"

"Nothing...I'm fine. Just glad to see my wife." Daryl allows Beth to wipe his eyes as he sits up and faces his brother.

"Thought we'd bring the boys in ta see ya." Carol politely says with an arm around Sam.

"I'm sorry about your mom..." Daryl quietly says as he wheels over to them. Ron shakes his head in acceptance and places a gentle hand on Daryl's shoulder.

"It's okay, Mr. Dixon. She's in a better place..."

"Ron, you can call me Daryl." The boy nods an turns to Beth, who is sat up in bed and rocking Kensi into a nap.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm alright. Just can't believe I slept for four days." She slightly smiles as her finger comb through the blond curls on her daughter's head. "How are you boys holding up?"

"Carol and Merle have been very helpful and kind. We've been staying with them." Sam shyly says as Carol holds him tightly to her side. Smiling, Beth is glad to see Carol opening up to children- as if they were her own.

"They are very nice, Sam. You don't need to worry about taking care of things- they got you."

Carol smiles and for once so does Merle. It's rare to see the old goat smile a happy grin, it's a nice sight to see. Daryl looks back at Beth and realizes that this is what life's about- family. True you lose them along the road of life, but sooner or later you find them again- arms opened wide and a smile on their face.

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