Chapter 85

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The wind blows tirelessly through the window as she stays up all night listening to the child scream. It pains her soul that it came to this- that she went from being a decent cop to a felon, kidnapper at that- but when she agreed to help Len out- of jail and with this sticky situation- her mind was only on one thing, exacting revenge. Yes, Dawn had it out for Beth after she found her in Daryl's hospital room all those months ago. Okay, ever since Beth tried to beat the crap out of her two years ago, she had it out for that blonde who had Daryl wrapped strongly around her finger. It wasn't fair for Daryl to choose some hussy of her. Hell, Dawn and him were quite a thing back then, but her temper and poor judge got in the way- kind of like now.

It wasn't until she ran across Len in prison that she decided it was a grand idea to let him out to help with her own cause of ruining Beth, but maybe this was going to far. First arson, then kidnapping, and now murder- death by starvation- all pulled tight into a little bow and leading her to becoming some basic bitch for prison women to take advantage of. And with her wrap sheet, she wasn't getting off with just black eyes and half assed lesbien sex- no she was going to get stabbed, several times.

Glancing over at Len, he's more than fast asleep in the backseat of a gutted Chevy Cruise. Standing up, she quietly takes her hand cuffs and snaps one on his wrist and the other onto the frame of the car door. He's so dead asleep that he doesn't stir at all. Quickly and nimbly, Dawn sneaks over to the first car and tries to open the trunk. Listening to the lid- which is locked- she hears nothing. So she continues onto the next car and then the next. When the crying and screaming stops, panic becomes second nature. Racing from car to car, she listens to each one- all locked up tight with no key- and still hears silence. Becoming more and more furious, she can't stand how uncontrollable the situation is. Quietly going back to the fire in the tire pit that Len created, she startles and jumps at the sight of a ragged Len, sitting up in the back seat, hand still cuffed and his face more than pissed off. Shaking her head, she tries to look confident- which shouldn't be hard because she's a cop- but is absolutely hard and terrifying because she's never been in this kind of situation.

"What is this?" His southern drawl glistens in her ear and she tries so hard not to shudder.

"I'm not helping you any more. Where's the boy?" Pulling her gun out, Len chuckles as she points it at him-psychotic is he and yet very poised.

"Is tha' so. Well seems we's got ourselves a problem then. You want the boy, I know where he is- but why should I tell you?"

"Because I will call the police and you will go back to jail and rot you son of a bitch. Now where's the baby?"

"Such a know, even if I did remember which car he was in- who's to say I kept the key?" Her face sinks as she faces the reality  that he very well could have thrown the key away. For a dumb redneck, he's actually quite smart.

"Len, if you give me the child, I can promise that you get away scott free. Please."

"Why should I trust a dirty cop like you?" He smirks and turns in the back seat. "He wasn't the right kid anyway. You fucked up. I wanted the girl."

"Listen, I can have the cops here in ten minutes. Unless you give me the right car and the key. I'll let you go, and it's as if you were never even involved. Just another escaped convict who got through the system." He contemplates this for a while and all Dawn can do is give him pleading eyes. She needs him to understand that his game is deadly now. Child molester or not, she needs to get the child quick or something terrible may happen.

"You really think you can save him? He's just another dead kid anyway. Just another corpse."

"No! I can't let that happen."

"Yer a weak pig. You know that. Pigs like you, huh, you always fuck everything over. Say you's gonna do somethin' and ya never do. Weak ass cunt." Taking the gun she shoots him in his leg- the very same leg that Daryl shot a bolt into. Squeling in pain, Len jerks to and fro in the backseat of the car and Dawn steps closer.

"Now, yer gonna tell me what car he's in, or I shoot yer dick off you pedophile fuck head."

"Bbb, bbblue. Blue Lincoln....." He hands her the key and she races off in the huge warehouse in search of the car. She has mere minutes to find Teddy.

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