Chapter 77: Lost

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Chapter 77: Lost

Waking up this morning, Beth can't find the strength to get up. Her chest is heavy and her stomach tossed without repair. Today's the day they figure what Daryl will do. Live. Or. Die. Tears instantly pop up into her eyes as she thinks about her fiancé not living any more. Picking up her phone she knows she has to make this call, she just has too.

"Merle here."

"Merle...." Her voice tries to sound like a brick wall, but it's crumbling at the corners and showing rock down on her heart.

"Baby girl what's wrong?"

"It's need to come...please come..."

"I'm on the flight....what uh...what happened?" He sounds lost too, as if he already knew Daryl was leaving them today.

"Shot last night.....I'm...I..."

"Princess...I'm on my way."

"I'm sorry..." She cries out and it breaks him even further.

"Baby girl....everything is gonna be's gonna be...just fine." She can hear his fear and sorrow growing in his voice. When they hang up, she lays in her bed and cries ten times harder than ever before. It isn't until Ozzie comes walking in with his head stooped and tail between his legs that she's pushed passed the limit. He jumps on the bed beside her and she pats his head before crashing her body into the big dogs chest and crying into his fur. This whole thing is messed up. It should've been her last night, not him. Kensi and Teddy could grow up just fine without her, but without Daryl, well nothing would ever go right.

"Mommy..." Kensi squeaks over the baby monitor and she slowly makes her way to her daughter. Going into the child's room, she finds her baby girl standing up against the crib bars, reaching for her with a saddened face. Beth puts on her best smile for the girl, but they both know it means nothing . Holding her in her arms, Beth comforts the small blonde headed child and kisses her head. "Daddy wake up?"

"I don't know, sweet pea..."

Silence fills the room and Kensi just sighs in pain before Beth puts her down. Getting Teddy up, Beth changes his diaper as Kensi puts on a pair of capris and a new shirt Beth picked out- the black and red one Daryl bought her for christmas that says 'Daddy's Lil Elf'. After feeding the kids, Beth gets them in the car and they drive to the hospital. On the way, she calls Maggie and informs her on what's happening. She tells her though, that she'd like to be alone with him because of how things might play out. Fully understanding, Maggie leaves the conversation where it's at and they say goodbye.

Reaching the hospital, Beth gets the kids up to Daryl's room, where the nurse is starting to De-tube Daryl. Which means, Beth is already too late.

"What's going on?"

"Order of procedure Ms. We're taking him off life support."

"But that means..." She doesn't sY it for Kensi is in her arms, then again she doesn't have to say it because of course the nurse fully understands.

"Dr. Edwards already pushed forward in the plan Ms. He's simply following Grady's orders."

"Well let me tell you something!"

"Do we have a problem?" The voice of the woman sounds familiar. Turning around slowly Beth glowers at the sight of Dawn in her police uniform standing behind Beth with her arms crossed.

"Yes. I do. But I refuse to speak with you about it."

"Very well, I'll just get security to escort you off the premises. Seems you've been causing problems last night and Edwards informed me you'd be starting them again once you arrived." Dawn growls and Kensi sinks in Beth's arms.

"Dawn, we have our differences...but I'm begging you. I need to stay with Daryl. If they're taking him off Life Support...I need to be here." Smirking, Dawn rolls her eyes and then strikes. Knocking Beth to an arm chair, her nose bleeding from the punch, Kensi leaping from her side and running to the stroller with Teddy in it. Dawn doesn't stop there, no she's back for revenge. Beating the shit out of Beth, the nurse sneaks to the wall and presses the blue button for security. Soon Officer Hanson and two others come in to remove Dawn. Beth, slumping in the arm chair, black eye, bleeding nose, and fat lip looks over and sees Kensi and Teddy on the other side of Daryl's bed, and the life support off. Getting up, Beth holds her ribs where Dawn hit and goes to Daryl. She can see his chest slowly rising and his heart monitor slowly, but steadily beating.

"Ms. let me look you over." The nurse tries to say nicely and Beth waves her off, looking at Daryl.

"Yer gonna make it, you son of a bitch. You have to make it...asshole." She quietly says as she lays down beside him, head against his shoulder and tears staining his bare chest.

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