Chapter 95: Trouble Around the Corner

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Getting to the hospital, Beth and Kensi wait for permission to see Daryl. From the corner of her eye, she notices two boys sitting in the corner opposite her. Their eyes are red and puffy- the younger one clinging to the older. Noticing their noses running, Beth kindly stands up and offers them some tissues.

"Here..." The older boy smiles weakly at her and takes the tissue pack from her gentle hands.

"Thank you."

"No problem." Going back to sit down, Beth scoops up Kensi and sits down on the couch, just trying to relax. She must stay zen. She mustn't give into panic for that can only harm her baby. Rick didn't tell her anything of what happened. He didn't tell her what happened or why.

"Are you the Anderson boys?" A male nurse asks as he steps from behind double doors.

"Yes..." The older boy answers and Beth just tries to mind her own business.

"I'm terribly sorry to tell you this, but your mother passed away from internal bleeding..."

"What?" Both boys look at him in disbelief and Beth is a little furious that the nurse seems uncaring and insensitive at this moment.

"Excuse me...sir." Beth calls the nurse's attention to her and he skimpily looks at her. "Can you come over here for a second?"


"Listen, I know you're just doing your job, but that's no way to inform children of that kind of news."

"Listen lady, I'm just the messenger."

"A pretty shitty one if you ask me. Where's the sympathy? You act like it is such a burden taking up your time to give two boys some terrible news." Beth snaps and the oldest boy smiles slightly at Beth's rude but sincere comment. "How do you even sleep at night being such an ass?"

"Lady, you think my jobs a walk in the park you do it!"

"I would probably be kinder and more understanding than you were just now." Standing up, Beth places Kensi on the couch and gets right into the nurses face. "Have you no heart? Have you no soul to tend to these boys? I believe that nurses are supposed to take care of all kinds of people- patients and family members grieving."

"Screw you! You don't know me!" The nurse shoves Beth down to the couch, but she misses and lands on the floor on her ass. Immediately Beth holds her stomach in hopes that nothing happened to the baby. 

"Spencer! What are you doing?"  A young man in slacks and a dress shirt comes stomping over and jerks the nurse around to face him. "What is wrong with you?"

"This bitch is harassing me."

"This is a woman who's a family member of a patient. I don't want to hear any more. You're fired. None negotiable!" The young man growls at Spencer and shoves him toward the exit. Crouching down, he lends a hand to Beth. "I'm terribly sorry about him Miss. I'm Aaron Stone. I am the executive director of this hospital. You're not hurt are you?"

"No I'm...." Both Aaron and Beth look down at the tiled floor where a small spot of blood is leaking on the floor. "No...oh no please..."


"I'm pregnant..." Aaron's eyes widen and he calls for another nurse.

"Don't worry, we will take good care of you." Helping her up, Aaron and the nurse place her in a wheel chair and are about to leave when Kensi cries out.


"Wait. What about my daughter?"

"I personally will look after her while my nurse looks you over." Escorting her back behind the triage doors, everything just turns black and white for Beth. She should have stayed out of those boy's business. She should have kept her mouth shut. If she loses this baby- she'll never forgive herself. She'll never be able to look at Daryl again for she would have taken yet another hold away from him. If there is a God, why is he doing this to her? Then again it isn't God who made her interrupt that nurse.

Dear God, save my baby boy.

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