Chapter 36: Door Message

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Chapter 36: Door Message

Staring at the three words in front of her, Beth can't feel her chest-anything really. As she sits back on her bed and looks at the door, her heart races an flips over and over and over again without ever calming down. Looking at it, Beth feels the pang in her heart and her throat close as she wipes a tear away. Getting up, she goes to the living room, but finds Daryl missing. It's only when she hears Kensi's soft happy gurgles that she leaves the trail cold and heads toward her bundle of joy. Stopping in her tracks on the white carpet, Beth heaves a heavy sigh as she finds Daryl swaying from side to side with the small girl in his arms. Turning around he meets her eyes with a small smile and kisses Kensi's temple.

"Did you mean in?"

"You mean did I? Yes....but yer a dumby." She says as he continues swaying with Kensi smiling in his arms.

"How am I the dumby?"

"Because you used passed tense."

"So?" She says with still a few tears in her eyes.

"So...I still mean it." Putting Kensi in the crib, Daryl slowly walks to Beth and looks down into her deep blue eyes and soft pouty lips. Taking her hands in his, they both feel that indescribable feeling. "I love you."

Leaning down he cups his hand under her neck and uses the other hand to tilt her chin up to him. Kissing her deep and passionately, Beth melts into Daryl's touch and she too starts to hold him back. Pulling back with his forehead to hers, he looks down at her and kisses her lips a few more times.

"I love much it hurts." He kisses her again and again. "I've loved you from the moment I saw you and more and more ever since. I was already attached to you before you asked me to give you a baby."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't think you wanted me...thought I was always just a friend to ya..."

"Daryl, you know how hard I've struggled trying not to love you cause you always say you don't wanna get married and have a baby..." She starts getting upset and crying.

Kissing her again, he backs her into the small way between the door and the closet. Hands hands run up her body and she can't keep her tongue out of his mouth.

"Mhmm...I love you." He sweetly says and she smiles back, dreams coming true and finding Prince Charming, who was her best friend all along. Kensi gurgles in the crib and they pull away from echo other. Going to the baby, he picks her up-head against his chest- and kisses her head. "I love you too, baby girl."

Coming to his side, Beth looks up at him with a smile.

"When Dawn lied to you about being wanted that baby?" Looking down at Kensi, Daryl smiles as he kisses her head again. "And that's why you never wanted to have kids...cause it hurt you when she lied."

"People always think only women inspire to have babies and get married....but men do too." Folding into his side, Beth snuggles close and he kisses both girl's heads.

"Were you really gonna try to hide yer true feelings from me for the rest of our life's?"

"Well, as long as possible..."

"Yer an idiot." Sweetly cooing in his ear, Beth smiles and snuggles close to his chest.

"I know..."

Kensi yawns and closes her tiny blue eyes on his chest and Beth and Daryl just smile.

"Yer so tired, Kensi are you so tired? You slept all day, Huh? Yeah..."

"Are you talking like a baby to our baby? How....cute." Kissing his cheek, she loves how tall he is compared to her. It makes her feel safe and secure when he's near. Yawning, Beth closes her eyes and snuggles close to him.

"Are you tired, Mommy?"


"You want me to put you to bed too?"

"I want you to put all of us to bed." She smile against his chest and he kisses her head. Kissing Kensi twice on her soft blonde hair, Daryl lays her in the crib and gently covers her-up to her waist- in her pink baby blanket from the hospital. Turning around, Daryl picks Beth up-wrapping her legs around his waist and head on his chest- and carries her to her bed.
Laying down next to her, Daryl kisses her lips and rubs her hips before laying down himself. Snuggling up to his side, Beth holds onto him as she readjusts herself and let's the Sandman take over.

In the middle of the night, Kensi starts stirring over the baby monitor and before she gets too upset, Daryl leaves Beth and how to take care of the little darling.

"Are you up?"

The baby whimpers a bit and shakes her hands in the air. Picking her up, he takes her to the changing table and changes her diaper, the best he can. He's read that parenting book over ten times just to prepare himself if he needed to use it. After she's all set, He holds her to his chest and rocks back and forth.

"You hungry?" Going to the kitchen, he finds a bottle of breast milk in the fridge and he heats it up. As he's waiting for it to get warm enough for Kensi, he sits at the kitchen table and looks down into her deep blue eyes. "You look so beautiful...just like yer mommy."

Having gotten up to check on Kensi, Beth stops in her rooms door way and watches him conversing with the small girl.

"She's really beautiful and so are you Kensi Marie. So cute." The little girl reaches up and holds onto his flannels shirt collar. She sucks on her free hand as Daryl continues telling her how adorable he is. When the bottle is done, he tests it on his arm and it's just perfect. Sitting on the couch he holds her and feeds her. Sneaking back to her room, Beth lays down and waits for Daryl.

"Good job, sweetie pea! You finished the whole bottle." Putting the bottle in the sink, he pats her back until finally she burps and he has to applaud her for her belch. "You definitely get that from me darlin'."

Laying her back in her crib with a kiss. Daryl goes back to Beth's room and lays under the covers.

"She okay?" Beth asks as she rolls over to look at him.

"Yeah, she just needed changed and fed. She's happy only sleeping again."

"Yer good at this."

"I try to be. You need to get some rest." Kissing her, he pulls her close an kisses her softly on the lips. "I love you."

"Daryl...what about me do you love? Like why do you love me?"

"When I first met you, I'll admit it was for yer beauty and body...but when I got to know you, I just knew I needed you. Yer not like any other woman I've ever met." She kisses him and lays back down with her head on his chest.

"I think I started loving you when you danced with me at Rick's wedding."

"That was like the third day I knew you."

"Yeah...I loved that you held me close, even if you did grab my ass."

"Hmm." Sliding his hand down her back he pulls her close and grabs her butt.

"Yep...thats why I feel in love with you...that butt."

"Yer ridiculous. Haha."

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