Chapter 33: A Look

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Chapter 33: A Look

Standing in the door, shocked and amazed, tears run down Beth's face as she walks into her baby girl's new room. Daryl went above and beyond to make it the perfect shade of pink and he even found some white to make Japanese Cherry Blossoms and use a black sharpie marker to make the tree itself. On other walls, Beth finds more flowing petals and even a few shadows of birds flying across the ceiling and sitting on trees he put in other parts of the room. He used over 4 sharpies and actually found some decal paint under Beth's kitchen sink. Turning around and around, she can't describe how beautiful it is. She only expected him to paint the room pink and be done. She never knew he was an artist. Leaning against the door frame, Daryl, hands in his pocket and small smile on his face, watches as the love of his life cries over the room he tried to hard to make perfect.

"Daryl..." She fans her face to stop the crying, but it's useless. "It's so beautiful...."

"I figured yer girl is gonna want a pretty ya know...yer gonna need more sharpies by the way."

"Haha, I don't care about that..." She goes to him and hugs him closely.

"Well then...Find yer Easter egg."


"I hidden a surprise somewhere in the room. I'll give ya two hours to find it before I show ya."

Getting excited Beth starts looking and Daryl goes to sit on the couch. He brings Ozzie over, but keeps him out of Beth's way. He hears her scrambling around the tiny room, cursing out of frustration at his hidden gem and at some point he hears her start crying again, but leaves her to it. An hour passes and he goes to her.

"How's the hunt going?"

"What am I looking for?"

"I'm not telling you. That's not part of the game, dumby." Smiling he kisses her forehead and leaves her there stumped and yet touched.

She searches all night and well after Daryl left, telling him he wanted no help and would find it without him.

After about two weeks of looking, Beth finally gives up. She's tired of picking up things and putting them down and then searching everything else in the room and not finding a single thing out of place. Sitting on her couch, frustrated and defeated, she starts feeling strange.

"Oh...." Sitting up she feels her stomach and then it happens again. "Owww....."

Getting up she starts going toward the kitchen for her organic pain pulls for cramps and stops to lean against the counter.

"Owww...." She clutches the counter and her knuckles turn white. Soon the pain passes and she just stands there holding the counter for balance. "Ooo, baby, please don't do that."

Sitting at work, Daryl goes through different motorcycle catalogs. The new edition is starting to be filled with more foreign cycles that just don't have the look Daryl likes, but that's not up to him to stock them. Sitting at his desk, Daryl thinks about Beth. She's a week away from eight months and he is still in deep shit. He loves her and wants her more than anything else in the world, but once that baby girl comes, she not going to need him around. She'll be too busy playing mommy that he won't be able to get away with touching her or being sweet. Not that she notices now. Like seriously. He straight up kissed her when he got the room done, but she didn't kiss him back or comment or anything.

"Hey, Daryl the phones for you...."

"Can it wait, Abe? I'm logging in..."

"It sounds pretty urgent." Grumbling under his breath, Daryl has no doubt it's another customer complaining or a company trying to buy him out.

"Hello, Daryl Dixon speaking..."


"Beth? Is everything okay?"

"I...I need you."

"Where are you at?"


"I'm coming." Hanging up the phone, Daryl races back to his office to grab his truck keys and then races home. Today is not his day for luck of anything.

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