Chapter 57: Être or To Be

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Chapter 57: Être or To Be

Waking up to Kensi crying, Daryl races from Beth's room and into Kensi's. The small girl is crying hysterically and Daryl scoops her up and sits in the rocking chair. For a non-typical two year old, she doesn't get quite upset usually, but when it comes to bad dreams, she is the queen of terror.

"Shhh, it's okay sweetie....its okay, Daddy gots you." He sweetly coos to her and her eyes are still filled with tears and her face is beat red. "Bad dream?"


"Oh Sweet Pea. I'm here now. Yer alright." Rocking back and forth in the chair, Beth comes in and finds Daryl still rocking.

"Bad dream?" She says as she walks closer.

"Yeah, she's okay now. Already back to sleep."

"Yer so great with her."

"I've had practice. Remember when you had some pretty bad nightmares when I first met ya. Shoot, had to break the door down one time I thought you were being murdered." He kisses Kensi's head and then Beth does too before they put her back in the crib.

" always take care of me." She leans into him and he wraps her in his grasp and soon scoops her up into his arms.

"Back to bed sleepy Jean..."

"Haha isn't it cheer up sleepy Jean?"

"Depends, Dream Believer."

"On what?"

"Who sings it. Now, shhhh, 'fore you wake my baby girl up." Getting in her room, he lays her down and cuddles up behind her.

The next day, Beth and Kensi go to one of Kensi's doctors appointments and Daryl heads in over to help Hershel on the farm. When he gets there, Hershel is already in the field plowing and stops when he finds Daryl.

"Mornin' Daryl."

"Mornin' Hershel." Going up, they shake hands and Daryl kind if looks nervous.

"What's going on, son?"

"I was coming to ask yasomething..."


"Yeah..." Hershel looks at him sideways and then smiles.

"Let's go get a beer and talk in the barn." They go down the barn and Hershel pulls two beers from the mini fridge, handing one to Daryl. "What seems ta be on yer mind?"

"I came to ask you if I could have yer permission to ask Beth to marry me."

Nearly choking on his beer, Hershel gets it down and then stares at Daryl as if he has three heads.

"I love Beth very much sir and with Kensi and all, I just...well wanted to ask you." Hershel nearly keels over from laughing at Daryl.

"It's bout damn time! Haha, I've been waiting two years for this. Of course you can marry Beth, long as yer good to her, or I'll cut yer prick off and feed it to my pigs. You hear?"

"Crystal....crystal clear sir." Daryl says and Hershel smiles before going back to his field.

Pulling into the driveway after a long day out, Beth lets Kensi out of the car with a sigh and Daryl opens the door.

"Daddy!!!!" Kensi scream-giggles as he chases her around the front yard and Beth just smiles as she heads into the house. When Daryl tackles Kensi to the ground, gently laying her down on his chest, Daryl kisses her forehead and she's still giggling.

"How was yer day with mommy sweet pea?"

"Mommy got a check up..."

"I thought it was yer check up."

"Nope. Mommy see doctor." Daryl looks at her curiously and thinks to himself. Beth specifically said it was for Kensi. Why would she lie?

"What'd the doctor say?"

"It's a secret."

"Well you can tell me, Kensi Marie. Who's yer best friend?"


"What's the secret?" Kensi leans in and whispers in his ear.

"Mommy have baby." His eyes widen and his heart feels like it's gonna burst out of his chest. Beth's pregnant?

"Did the doctor say anything else?"

She gets closer again and whispers again.

"Boy." Daryl looks at Kensi's scrunched up face. "Icky."

"You can't tell mommy you told me. Okay Marie? Best friend secret."

"Kay." Getting up he chases her a bit and then picks her up, taking her inside I've his shoulder.

"Beth, Don't worry, I caught the monster that's been terrorizing the house." He catches her putting the lunch meats and cheeses away, having made them sandwiches.

"Good, I was wondering when it would be caught."

"How'd her appointment go today?"

"Clean bill of health." She falters at first, but catches herself easily. He glowers when she isn't looking. So she's lying to him now? To his face? Well two can play at that game.

"Good. Boy...." he says and she widens her eyes nervously. "I'm hungry. Baby...."

"Well I made us lunch so you don't die of hunger."

"Good. Did they get Kensi her shots?" He bites into his sandwich and just wants to trap her so bad.

"No. They said she doesn't need them until her next appointment."

"Oh, okay, baby." He says it nice and slow and tries to catch her shaking, she does slightly, but plays it of like she cold and grabs her thin jacket. "Kens, don't play with yer food honey."


"It okay baby girl."

After finishing up lunch and putting Kensi down for her nap, Daryl heads to the living room and finds Beth sitting on the couch watching tv. Sitting beside her, he pulls her to him and kisses her neck. She leans her head to the side to open up her neck for him and soon he lays her down on the couch and hovers over top of her. She smiles up at him and plays with his shirt collar. Leaning down he kisses her neck as his hand that's not holding himself up, skates over her breast and goes under her shirt, finally resting on her stomach. He can feel the small bump, but doesn't draw attention to it.

"Mhmm, Daryl...." She moans and he kisses her again, before leaning toward her ear.

"I know...." Her eyes shoot open and he pulls his head back to look at her with a satisfied grin on his face.

"You know what?" She jumps and he can either come clean or let her continue lying until she's ready to tell him.

"I know Kensi cried getting her shots today...can't lie to me Beth." He sees her reanalyze her hasty fear, and calm down into his lie. He wants her to feel ready for him to know. He doesn't want to force it.

"Oh...She didn't want you to be upset with her. So I didn't tell you she got her shots." She shrugs it off, but still looks nervous.

"Well, she's a toddler. Toddlers cry. I just try to make her tough." He says kindly and she mellows out. Kissing her neck, it's bothering him that she's still lying to him. How far along is she? It has to be passed two months or she wouldn't know the sex. Is it even his?

The Baby Arrangementजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें