Chapter 103: Complex Emotions

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"Mr. Dixon?" Dr. Edwards comes out to the waiting room and Daryl stands up to greet him.

"How is she? How are the babies?"

"The twins are perfectly healthy for being premature. We've placed them in our NICU, so they can be closely monitored for a while. Baby A was born 3 lbs. 5 oz. Baby B- who went undetected in scans- was born 1.5 lbs and 7 oz, so he is slightly on the smaller side, but with every set of twins this happens usually. If they would have been brought to term, he and Baby A would have most likely been closer in size- but we are fortunate that they are doing so well with the date as is." Edwards takes his glasses off and cleans them before continuing. "As for Beth, she experienced some blood loss during the delivedy, but not a significant amount to diagnose that as the problem. After several tests and procedures I've come to the conclusion that Beth experienced a very rare case of amniotic fluid embolism- that is where amniotic fluid or a pice of the babies hair or skin gets into the mother's bloodstream and causes a catastrophic shutdown of organs. Only 1 to 12 mothers of 100,000 deliveries experience this and usually don't make it."

"Usually?" Daryl asks with tears in his eyes.

"Though Beth's organs were starting to shutdown, she somehow charged them back up- in a way. When we got her in surgery, we did a blood transplant and that seemed to flush the system of the AFE. After several hours, Beth seems to finally be stablized and is sleeping off the morphine and other vitamins we are pumping in her. So Beth's gonna be just fine. However because her case was rare- a few doctors from the UK, China, and the US will be observing and checking her out so they can get a bit of more info on this- with both of your consents of course."

"Thank you...thank you soo much." Tears of joy run down Daryl's face like rain on a window pane. For all the hope and faith Daryl ever had- today it doubled. "Can...can I see her?"

"Of course. Room 193." Edwards nods and leaves Daryl and Madame L'Vie in the waiting room grinning from ear to ear.

"Madame L'Vie! Thank you for sitting here with me...I don't think I would have been able to do this without you..." He wraps himself around the old frail woman and kisses her cheek with gratitude. "Come meet Beth."

"I would love too." walking hand in hand, they make their way to Beth's room. When they reach it, the room is dark and Beth lays quietly under the covers.

"Beth..." Daryl quietly says as he kneels forward and kisses Beth's forehead.


"I'm so glad yer okay. I was so worried. Oh, honey this is Madame L'Vie."

"Nice to meet you Beth." The woman types into Google Translate and Beth tiredly smiles.

"Thank you...for saving me." Beth tiredly says and the old woman grabs Beth's hand and kisses it.

"You are welcome my child. Daryl, I will let you have some alone time." Bowing her head, she smiles and then leaves the room.

"I was so scared, Beth."

"Thank you..." Confused, Daryl raises his eyebrows and looks at her curiously.

"For what baby?"

"For saying I could let go..."


"I met him Daryl. I met God, and our boys...I saw Sophia. Ozzie..." It's hard for him to believe this, but part of him truly wants too."God told me what you said...thank you, but I'm content with you."

" saw Teddy... And...and Carter."

"Yes...he looked like you. And Teddy was so big. Huh...I'm sorry. I probably sound crazy." she readjusts herself on the bed so Daryl can sit beside her. Grasping her hand in his, Daryl kisses it and looks deep into her blue eyes.

"No, you sound more sane than all of us."

"Good...we had twins?"

"Yeah, tell me how that works. Haha. They said they're both healthy. Boys....two boys, Beth." Tears come to their eyes and both of them just hug each other.

"We need to think of names."

"Yeah...but we can do that later. I just wanna hold my beautiful wife."

"Babe- do you know that our boys were born on Valentine's day?" Sitting back, Daryl didn't have a single clue. He smiles and kisses Beth.

"Damn. I didn't get you anything."

" gave me not one, but two beautiful boys. Yer the best husband and father in the world. I love you more than anything."

"I love you...honey, I should probably take Madame L'Vie home. She's been here all day and she's older so she probably is very tired."

"I understand. Take her home and then you go rest. You need sleep Mr." They share a kiss and say goodbye. Daryl leaves the hospital with L'Vie by his side, both so elated that the day ended on a perfect note.

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