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"Hey, wake up," a voice called out to clockwork.

She opened her eye, looking around. She stopped when she saw Brian who had a small smile.

"Food is ready," he said as he stood up and walked to Toby who was halfway on the ground.

She got up and walked to the table to eat, she smiled as she saw scrambled eggs. They looked delicious, she wonder if they would be as good as last time.

'Thump' a loud sound echoed the hut.

She looked over her shoulder to see toby on the ground with Brian standing over him with his arms crossed, he didn't have a smile as he had for her.

"Toby go and eat," he said as he stared at the boy on the ground.

Toby sighed and got up and walked to the table, he smiled as he saw his one-eyed guest.

"So how are you clockwork," he said with a smile.

She smiled back and took a bite out of her food, he nodded and began to eat. It was one of those days of being silent, not talking until it was necessary.

"I'll be back I'm going to get some water," he said as he walked out of the hut, closing the door fast as he tried to keep the heat inside.

"So how was your sleep," clockwork asked quietly, Toby looked up and smiled.

"Good, though it could be better," he said he said.

She nodded and ate her food while Toby talked about his weird dream, which made no sense to a sane mind. It didn't even make sense to her and she was far gone from sane. Though she still listened to him as it was a polite thing to do, Toby stopped as he stuffed food into his mouth. she smiled as she ate her food as the two sat in silence. The door slammed open, clockwork looked over her shoulder to see Brian holding a bucket full of water. Brian smiled as he kicked the door closing it, and rushed to the kitchen. she looked at toby before going back to eating, Brian looked at toby before speaking.

"You are doing the dishes, Toby," Brian said as he went to lie down to get some rest, he was too tired to do anything else.

Toby nodded as he looked at the bucket, he looked back to his food and began to eat. now he was taking his time, as he hated to do the dishes. It was mostly due to his life before, he would see things, especially in the water. Clockwork smiled as she finished her dish, she stood up and looked at him.

"What do you want me to do with my dish," she asked him as she glanced at him.

"Put it on the counter, I'll do it later," Toby said with a smile.

She nodded and walked to the counter placing the dish on the surface, before sitting back down.

"I would get some rest, for now, you two are going to get wood later," Brian said as he pulled the blanket over his head.

She nodded and walked to the bed and lied down, she closed her eyes and began to relax. getting some sleep before going out in the cold was probably the best thing to do. Toby sighed as he finished his food, he stood up and placed his dish down. He poured the bucket in the pail, he put the bucket back down, and put the three dishes in the pail. He began to wash them, he would blink constantly trying to stop his brain to put false sharks in the sink. He placed the dishes on the counter and sat down, he placed his head down and waited for the dishes to dry. Glancing at them once in a while, after a few minutes he stood up and walked to the dishes. He picked them up and put them away, he signed and walked back to the table and sat down. He glanced at his bed, he was tired and wanted to sleep but his dream was still bothering him. He knew clockwork thought it was some kind of dream, but it was a real experience he had. He was thirteen and ran away, he ran to the woods with a bag full of food and some clothes. He had got lost couldn't find his way back, the forest was miles long it would take a week to walk out of the. If someone went completely straight, yet the hills and trees made it almost impossible. He was there for about a month possibly more, his bag full of food lasted so long till he started to eat any animal he found. Search and Rescue found him eventually, but it cost his parents to split up. His mother got full custody of him and his sister, due to his neglect. His mother found out he was missing after she came back from a work trip, she had left his father in charge. She quickly moved away and took everything with her, though he get him away for so long. When his sister died she needed another hand and someone that would know the feeling of losing a kid. Though he didn't he was with an ex-girlfriend, living a somewhat good life but he came back to resume the torcher he inflicted on him once again. His mother intend to get back with him even if he wasn't going to stay, he pitied his mother as she didn't know any better. She was pushed into the wall too many times and fell into old habits, Toby sighed as he stood up and walked to the bed, he flipped down and let out a soft groan he was tired of thinking of the past. It always brought him back to his father or what he saw in those trees, that thing that chased him was inhuman it was wrong in so many places. What he would later find out was the thing that caused the crash and ruined his life, Brian and Tim call it the operator.

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