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Toby opened his eyes, looking around to see the warm room. He smiled as he glanced next to him, his face went red as he was close to clockwork. He leaned back as he looked away, why was he blushing it wasn't the first time they were this close. He sighed as he looked at her, she looked so peaceful. His heart pounded against his chest, why was his heart doing this. Was this a normal feeling, he sighed as he got and walked out of the house. He was going to cut more wood for the house, he sighed as he grabbed his axe and walked to the trees. He stopped at one before chopping it down, his mind raced from his past to clockwork. Why was she on his mind? He will admit she was good looking, heck she was gorgeous. He found her unique, one of a kind. She was special to him, she was his friend. He stopped in place as his heart ached, why did his heart hurt when he called her a friend. He shook his head, he could think on that he had to get wood for the house. He stepped out of the way as the tree gave way, how many more trees would they have to cut. Maybe fifteen trees, twenty at tops. Though he had no idea how many trees they would have to kill, yet it didn't matter. They needed to survive, he sighed as he chopped at the next tree. He wondered how his mother was doing, he sighed. She probably replace him and his sister or ended it all, she wasn't a strong person. Especially since she got back with his dad, an abuser an asshole a monster. He smiled as he thought of his dad, he remembered killing him. Hearing him scream for Mercy, yet that man never gave him mercy when he beat him while his mother begged for him to stop. He loved watching that man's eyes go lifeless, he had set his mother free, yet she showed fear for her repayment. He didn't blame her, she had been through so much. Yet he didn't pity her, it was her choice to get back with that man. He stepped out of the way as the tree fell, he walked to the next one and began to chop. In all honesty, he never saw his mother as his mother, his dear sister Lyra was his mother. She stood by his side and stopped his father from beating him, while his mother stood there and cried. How could she have done that? She never called the coops and when the cops showed up she lied to get them off his father's back. She was a coward, he sighed as he shook his head. He stopped as he looked around, trees lied on the ground. He smiled as he saw clockwork chopping trees, around ten trees lied on the ground. He looked at the sky, he smiled as he saw the sun slowly setting. How long was he out here, he sighed as he walked back to the house. He needed the saw to make boards, he stopped at the house and began to look around. He smiled as he found one of the saws, he walked back to the fallen trees. He knelt down and began to saw the tree, he did this till the sun was gone and he was in the night. He smiled as he got up and walked to the house, he dropped the saw info front of the house before walking in. He smiled as he saw clockwork asleep, she looked cute when she slept. He smiled as he sat next to her and snuggled close to her, ignoring his heart pounding. He was too tired to listen to it right now, he closed his eyes as he drifted to sleep.

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