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Brian put the food in front of Clockwork and Toby, they quickly ate their food and thanked Brian. They put their dishes in the sink and went to their bed and got dressed to go outside, Brian smiled as he looked at Tim. Clockwork and Toby left the hut and out in the cold night, clockwork coughed as the cold air touched her lungs.

" you alright," Toby asked her as she glanced at her.

She nodded as she covered her face with a mask, Toby smiled as they walked through the woods. The path that led to the highway was covered up with fresh snow, though Toby knew the way as he walked many times through here. Yet it was still an annoyance that the snow was up to their knees, yet they had no choice to go unless they wanted to unleash Brians anger.

" do you remember anything from yesterday," Clockwork said as she looked at Toby.

Toby shrugged as he looked at her, he remembered but he didn't want to worry her.

" I honestly don't remember," he said with a fake smile.

She sighed and smiled at him glad he didn't remember what happened yesterday, she didn't need him to go through another episode. She started to think of the morning, of how he held her. she smiled as she looked down, the way he held her felt right like it was meant to be. She looked up as they finally got out of the woods they walked to the side of the road, it was easy to walk as there was barely any snow on the road. only a few bursts of snow that would skid across the road, it was like small clouds on the road. She looked at Toby who was looking ahead, he seemed to ignore the fact that they were so close. though she noticed, she felt like her heart would burst at any moment. She looked ahead and watched the few cars pass her, it would be cool for one of them to pick them up. But she knew it was a bad idea, she sighed.

" You alright Clockwork, you seem distant since this morning," he asked as he looked at her worried.

Was something wrong or was it something else, he started to think of that morning. She started to act like that when Brian winked at her, he started to panic did she like him.

" I'm fine just tired of walking, just want to take a long bath or something," she said as she looked at him.

He nodded and looked at her, she was right it would be nice to relax and have a nice bath. Baby wipes wouldn't last forever, he could make a bathtub out of metal scraps. He looked ahead and smiled.

" When it gets warm I will make you a tub, but a stove will come first," he said and she nodded. " So clockwork do you like anyone," he asked hoping his suspension wasn't true," she looked at him and blushed.

" I actually do," she said with a smile.

Toby felt his heartbreak as he looked away, he wanted to cry yet he kept his composer.

" Oh," he said quietly.

She looked at him, why was he sad. She shook her head, must be her imagination.

" Do you like anyone," she asked hoping he would confess his love to her.

She shook her head, she had to stop thinking like that. Who would want her, she was boring and only like to talk about her art and gore.

" I do but I don't think she likes me," he said as he looked down.

" Guess we're in the same boat," she said as she glanced down at the road.

Her heart ached as she sighed, what was the point in trying to get his attention. She let a tear slid down her face only for it to freeze on her cheek, she didn't bother trying to wipe it away. Toby looked at her and froze.

" Why are you crying," he asked as she stopped.

" I was just thinking about how anyone couldn't love me, I'm useless," she said as she looked down.

" No, you're not," he said as he walked to her.

She looked at him, her eyes no longer holding the light.

" Yes I am, I'm just stupid old Natalie. Everyone was right I should have given up a long time ago," she said.

Toby went on autopilot, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in a kiss. They froze in place both in shock, Toby pulled away and smiled slightly.

" I-I like you, I liked you for a while," he said as he looked down and blushed.

She smiled and pulled him into a kiss, Toby melting into it. They pulled away once again.

" I liked you too Toby, guess we liked each other for a long time," she said with a chuckle.

He chuckled back before walking towards the city, hand in hand. They stayed silent for the whole walk, their company was enough to keep them occupied. Once at the store they climbed onto the roof and jumped in, they piled food and drinks into the bags. They climbed back into the ceiling, and onto the roof. They climbed back down and ran away from the building, stopping once they got to the bad side of town. They held hands again and headed out of the city the long way, Toby looked at her and smiled.

" how long did you like me," he asked with a smile.

" Since we started to fix our place, I can't remember if it was inside or the outside," she said with a smile. " How about you,"

" I believe when we were fixing the outside, but don't quote me on that. It took me a long time to figure out what I was feeling," he said as he looked away. " oh do you know why Brian winked at you," he asked.

" because he knew I liked you and was trying to get us together, probably the reason we're out here," she said as she looked at him and smiled.

He nodded letting go of her hand as they got to the woods, they walked into the woods and tried to walk on the snowed area. The snow only held them above it for a few seconds before caving in, they laughed as each fell once in a while. They quickly found a path, he knew it lead to them but. They followed it till they got to the but, they burst in and they put the bags on the bed.

" How did it go," Brian asked with a smile.

" How long did you know," Toby yelled.

" honestly I knew you two would get together since she first got here when you both slept in the abandoned car, I mean you two are so alike," Brian said with a huge smile. " plus Gay people know these things," Brian said as he looked back at his food.

" your Gay," Toby said causing Both Tim and brian to choke on their food.

" you didn't know," clockwork said as she looked at him.

Toby nodded, she sighed and sat on the bed.

"You're hopeless," Tim said as he looked at the pale male.

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